“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.” ~James Clear
How to Follow Through With Your Goals
The punch line is clear: people who make a specific plan for when and where they will perform a new habit are more likely to follow through. Too many people try to change their habits without these basic details figured out. We tell ourselves, “I’m going to eat healthier” or “I’m going to write more,” but we never say when and where these habits are going to happen. We leave it up to chance and hope that we will “just remember to do it” or feel motivated at the right time. An implementation intention sweeps away foggy notions like “I want to work out more” or “I want to be more productive” or “I should vote” and transforms them into a concrete plan of action.
Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity. It is not always obvious when and where to take action. Some people spend their entire lives waiting for the time to be right to make an improvement.
Once an implementation intention has been set, you don’t have to wait for inspiration to strike. Do I write a chapter today or not? Do I meditate this morning or at lunch? When the moment of action occurs, there is no need to make a decision. Simply follow your predetermined plan.
The simple way to apply this strategy to your habits is to fill out this sentence:
I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].
I will meditate for one minute at 7 a.m. in my kitchen.
I will study Spanish for twenty minutes at 6 p.m. in my bedroom.
I will exercise for one hour at 5 p.m. in my local gym.
I will make my partner a cup of tea at 8 a.m. in the kitchen.
Give your habits a time and a space to live in the world. The goal is to make the time and location so obvious that, with enough repetition, you get an urge to do the right thing at the right time, even if you can’t say why.
Please go back to the 7 Day Calmness Challenge [started last Saturday] and complete the entry for the day. You should be able to hit the gear icon on your comment to add to it but, if not, please just reply to your last message.
Write your own implementation intention as the following: “I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].” Put this in a place where you can review it weekly.
Is there anything you need clarity on that you may have overlooked for too long? Is there something that you have clarity on NOW that you took too long to consider? Please share in the comments below.
Look for something good in every day. Even if, in some days, you need to look a little bit harder.
How to maximize your morning routine
Please go back to the 7 Day Calmness Challenge [last Saturday] and complete the entry for the day. Edit your comment on that message to add to it. If not, please reply to your last message.
Has your morning routine improved since you’ve been a part of the 1% Tribe? Please tell me about it in the comments.
PLEASE rate today’s message below. I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message.
“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” ~Libba Bray
Master the Entry Points | James Clear
I dentify TWO people to show gratitude to and let them know how they positively impact your life.
When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Please share in the comments.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate today’s message below. I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message.
“Remind yourself. Nobody built like you. You designed yourself.” ~Jay-Z
Design Your Environment | James Clear
Time for some exercise! Let’s get 25 pushups today!
I think we need to give our attention to each other MORE than we give our attention to TVs, phones, and devices. Do you agree? Please share in the comments.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate today’s message below. I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message.
“Trust yourself. CREATE the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” ~Golda Meir
Setting goals is very common practice, yet most people fail to achieve them. Why is that?
Achievements and results take time. They require positive habits. They require consistency. They require effort.
And if you’re a regular reader/viewer of mine you know I’m ALL about goals.
However, there is something far more important: systems.
“It wasn’t the goal that made the difference, instead it was their systems”Challenge
Set TWO goals for the week. Write down a plan to accomplish those goals. Include checkpoints [progress indicators].
Do you have a complete SYSTEM to execute your game plan & accomplish your goals? If so, name the main parts. If not, what do you think is missing? Please share in the comments.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate today’s message below. ⭐️ I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message. ⭐️
“Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken right now.” ~Jonatan Mårtensson
Make it Easy | James Clear
“Scale your habits down to something that is very easy to do.”Challenge
Add 25 SIT UPS to your day – it’s your choice to do them all at once or space them out over the course of the day but COMMIT to getting it done.
Is there a habit that you need to form that you struggle to start? If so, what can you do to scale it down to such an easy level that it’s better to do it & be satisfied than to let it go undone and be disappointed? Please share in the comments.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate today’s message below. ⭐️ I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message. ⭐️
“We are more powerful when we empower each other.”
Join A Community | James Clear
“Join a Tribe where your desired behavior is the normal behavior.”Challenge
Come up with TWO ideas of how you can be more accountable to the things you say you want. Please share at least ONE idea in the comments.
Do you appreciate the shorter video presentation? Please share your thoughts. I would like to know. Thank you!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate today’s message below. ⭐️ I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message.