“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” ~Libba Bray
Master the Entry Points | James Clear
- I dentify TWO people to show gratitude to and let them know how they positively impact your life.
- When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Please share in the comments.
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When I’m having a bad day I usually would go outside to play basketball and get my mind off of everything. Another thing I would do is to relax and tell myself not to worry about it. I find that getting my mind off of it is usually the best thing I can do.
Wow when I need an escape? Things were much easier before Covid, sneak off to a morning movie date, take my daughter to Urban Air and watch her and all the kids with there innocent enthusiasm for everything, go out with my girls to drink 🍸and gossip. I had so many choices and now wonder if I spent enough time appreciating all my blessings. But now it’s definitely singing, dancing and laughter. I love the sound of my daughters laughter, she laughs with her whole body and I can call my best friend right after someone runs me off the road and we can somehow turn it into a joke. So I’m still extremely fortunate. I just call friends and family and they remind me to keep it light.
When I am having a bad day, I do a couple of things , some positive and some negative. I pray and talk to God, call a friend, find something funny on tv to watch or go shopping. Unfortunately there have been times where I will take it out on those close to me with a lack of patience and then feel guilty afterwards.
I relate to this 100%. I am practically the same way. And I’m working on trying to calm down before I take it out on others, so that I don’t have to go through the guilt of ruining a day for myself and my family.
I like to look at old pictures of when my kids were younger or at trips we have been on. Seeing the kids when they were so cute and innocent always brings a smile.
I take a long walk with Ginger and meditate on my blessings and the obstacles I’ve overcome in my life. My grandmother’s favorite saying, “this too shall pass”… and she was correct.
wow…I just had sort of a bad day yesterday ( or sometimes you feel the blues) Sometimes I like to speak to close friends, sometimes I don’t like to speak at all. I do like looking at pictures or videos of happy times, that always works, or taking a brisk walk to clear my head.
Have a blessed day🙂
I talk to my friends normal not about what I’m having a bad day about. We will talk about things that make us a happy and then I remember memories and then I get happy.
I listen to comfort music, watch tv, journal, or most of the time call a friend.
when having a bad day, I call or text coach Q LOL
When I’m having a bad day, I acknowledge it (pray) and then try to fig out why… that usually helps me not be emotional about it! And of course I use things like exercise, talking to loved ones and friends, as well as journaling & sketching to help me focus on the moment & not what’s bad abt the day.
I usually do one of two things: Watch my favorite youtube channel (TwoSet Violin), or be productive and actually practice violin
I like to take a drive with my windows down and playing my music as loud as it can go. Just to cool down.
When I am having a bad day, I like to workout or practice basketball. It usually takes my mind off whatever is making my day bad, and makes me feel better and I feel like it allows me to think clearer and better. I also may occupy myself with a task that requires all of my attention such as editing or researching.
When I’m having a bad day, I turn to a few different ways of getting myself back on track. First, I’ll take a moment to pray, read my Bible, and listen to God. Second thing is to jump on the treadmill/ workout to relieve stress. Third, I’ll talk whatever it is bothering me over with my wife. Usually after doing one or more of these actions I’ll calm back down and be able to hit the reset button.
When I’m having a bad day, I usually call my Mom and vent to her. She always makes me feel better but also keeps it real! I also will light a candle and clean my room so I can feel comfortable and calm in my space.
When I am having a bad day I start with a prayer and talking to God about what’s happening. If I am able 2 I take a nice walk outside. It also depends on what is causing me to have a bad day. If it is stress calling a good friend and just talking often does the trick. In the end, I am refocused to the fact that I am extremely blessed (family, friends, good health) and that bad days are gonna happen, it will be all right!
My children are also great in this area. if they see I am having a bad day they will offer to watch something on TV or spend time with me talking or playing games later in the day.
When I’m having a bad day I either lay down in my bed and put on headphones with music. It helps me clear my head. But sometimes I can’t just stay still so I go on a walk with my headphones in which always makes my day at least a little better.
When having a bad day, I try to think of the things I’m grateful for that can pick up my mood a bit. Music also helps as well as exercise.
When I’m having a bad day I pray, listen to worship music, a podcast or both. take a nap, call a friend and talk it out.
Bad days fade away like a bad dream when you take a nap. It’s the thing to do after a tough day. Some people deal with bad days by stuffing their faces, playing video games, watching a show, overdoing it at the gym, or taking it out on an innocent loved one. All of those things can cause weight gain or hurt. Napping boosts your immune system and benefits brain power. So, do take a nap on bad (and good) days.
When I have a bad day, I run to a basketball court. It helps me remove my mind from all negativity