12/22/20 What we think


“Our life is shaped by our minds, for we become what we think.” ~Buddha


Rest and Recovery Let Your Muscles Heal and Make You Stronger

The damage that exercise causes triggers your body’s immune system to repair that damage, explains Adam Rivadeneyra, MD, a sports medicine physician with the Hoag Orthopedic Institute and the Orthopaedic Specialty Institute, both in California. And when your body’s tissues — from your muscles and bones to heart and lungs — recover, they become slightly fitter than they were before. That way, the next time you perform the same workout, you won’t suffer as much damage.

“But you have to cause some damage to your body for it to adapt,” Dr. Rivadeneyra says.

Repeated again and again, this process of stress and recovery is what results in improved health and fitness.

source: everydayhealth.com

  1. This challenge is designed to stretch your mind. What ridiculous unreasonable things would you do, if you were a superhero, to eliminate stress & get what you want? Take FIVE minutes to brainstorm THREE crazy ideas.
  2. Please share one of your ideas in the comments below. End your post with “Can you relate?”
  3. If you can relate to someone’s comment, please share how.
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4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I can relate completely. Seeing peoples lives and how their mind co-relates into their lives is insane. Very wise words

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

Definitely! I always wanted to pick the brains of people like Kobe Bryant or Gilbert Arenas. And even some of our wealthiest stock or real estate investors.

Sanjit Bajpai
Sanjit Bajpai
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I can relate. If you encourage yourself and set goals and believe in yourself, i know that anyone can achieve this because they will be enthusiastic enough to fulfill their goals.

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I can relate totally, I believe that their are people out there that can help me grow as a person and I can learn many valuable things from them.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I totally agree!!! Imagine the unbridled joy and positive energy created by loving what you do and can share without losing any of your passion.

Spencer Carran
Spencer Carran
4 years ago

I believe the more that we think of ourselves as a better person and picture ourselves as the best we can be is when we grow the most in our lives.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
4 years ago

I would have the ability to foresee every outcome of every decision within seconds before choosing. Allowing me to take the steps that would take me on a more direct line towards my goals. Also allowing me to help my family or friends make smarter decisions

Tori Fisher
Tori Fisher
4 years ago
Reply to  Gralen Vereen

I agree that what we think can alter the way we go about life. If we think positively I believe positive things come in life. For example, if we are trying to overcome something and have the mentality that you will get over it, then I believe it will happen. Like speaking things into existence

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
4 years ago

I find it interesting that our body breaks itself down to get stronger. I think that we can look at things happening in life like that. That if you had a set back or breakdown you can use it to rebound and get stronger.

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago
Reply to  Quinn Carran

I love how well said that is and I agree. It is like a fail to succeed type of mindset, that If you fail better you can succeed better. That if we fall down, we can get up and be stronger than we were when we fell down.

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would read the minds of poeple who couldn’t speak for themselves and communicate to thier family, friends and educators what they needed.

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago
Reply to  Janel Powell

I can relate, I love how you thought of people who cant as easily use their voice and how you thought of helping people first before thinking of yourself!

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago
Reply to  Janel Powell

I love this! What a great and selfless superpower that would be!

Joan Quagliata
4 years ago

I posted yesterday’s message on my bulletin board at work!
Over these last few months my personal goal has been to be FEARLESS. Telling myself this has pushed me to get a new job, and return to school. Getting rid of or at least quieting the negative conversations I had with myself have been liberating! I wish my younger self would have done that

Anvi Agarwal
Anvi Agarwal
4 years ago

I would know exactly what skills I would need to learn and steps to take to help those who are struggling or disadvantaged. It would take away some of the stress of, I know I want to help people + make a difference, but I’m not exactly sure how or the best way to go about it

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago
Reply to  Anvi Agarwal

Hi Anvi! I agree, I also want to help people and make a difference. Fortunately, there are many ways we can make a positive impact and we just have to find the right people and resources.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

If I were a super hero, my power would be to fly. This way, I would be able to help people all around the world and help them. There are many people who live on less than 1 dollar a day, or a very low income, and helping them would be amazing. Giving people the opportunity to have a better life is one of the best things you can do. And I would love to do that. Can you relate?

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

Hi Sidd! I relate to your desire to want to help others. But what would you do to help them exactly? The power to fly would just be a form of transportation for you to get to the same location as them.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

Well, the ability to fly not only allows me to get to other people, but many poor people in developing countries are farmers and day laborers meaning that someone who can fly can both help them physically with their work as I can transport things, as well as I can help transport struggling and oppressed families to a safer place. I can also teach people my knowledge and learn new things by meeting new people. Flying would also assist me transport objects to people such as vital food that some people don’t have but need. Overall, flying would really help!

Vibhuv Sharma
Vibhuv Sharma
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would like to have an inhumane amount of intelligence. This would help because I would not to have to be very stressed about tests, homework, and other academics. Since I would not give up on studying, I would probably become a genius, go to a great college, etc., and that would reduce stress since I feel really stressed when I am confused about my homework/tests/other school assignments.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago
Reply to  Vibhuv Sharma

What would the point of life be if you have so much intelligence that you don’t have space to grow and evolve. Wouldn’t life be extremely repetitive then? Also, wouldn’t having an in humane amount of knowledge and not sharing it with other people be a waste of the knowledge? I can’t really relate to this one.

Vishnu Sharma
Vishnu Sharma
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would choose the ability to control the flow of time, both within myself and outside. This is because I would have literally infinite time to do anything I wanted. Can you relate?

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would want to have super speed. This way so could run anywhere I want or anywhere my friends would need me. I would be able to go anywhere I want within seconds at anytime and also run to wherever my friends or family would need help.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would have a super power that calms my nerves and slows my brain down, so I can better control my thoughts and emotions. That way I can better acheive my goals, helping myself and others around me! Can you relate?

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

If I were a superhero, I would have the ability to touch other people’s souls and heal them both emotionally and physically. Can you relate?

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

I would definitely relate. This is actually what my mom said when I asked her this question! It is awesome to help people and it is sometimes hard to see people true emotion and mental pain. So this would be an amazing super power!

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
4 years ago

I find it interesting that people think in different ways and come up with cool and exotic conspiracies. I was just thinking that it could be possible that the world responds to protect itself, I believe that it could be possible earth create COVID-19 to protect itself from pollution. It is evident in images that pollution has significantly decreased however i don’t know if that’s the reason COVID started.

Can you relate?

Gianna Mattia
4 years ago

I think that the quote that Dr. Rivadeneyra included in the article Rest and Recovery is very, very interesting. “But you have to cause some damage to your body for it to adapt,”