“Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken right now.” ~Jonatan Mårtensson

Make it Easy | James Clear
- Add 25 SIT UPS to your day – it’s your choice to do them all at once or space them out over the course of the day but COMMIT to getting it done.
- Is there a habit that you need to form that you struggle to start? If so, what can you do to scale it down to such an easy level that it’s better to do it & be satisfied than to let it go undone and be disappointed? Please share in the comments.
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I definitely want to wake up earlier every day. it’s easy to start but hard to commit to and do it consistently but i’m getting better at it. also, i’m forming other habits to achieve this goal of mine
The first thing that came to mind was the reverse. There’s a habit that I want to let go of and to be honest, it’s Instagram. I want to be on Instagram less but it’s very hard for me to do so sometimes. What I must do is adhere to the time limit I set on my phone and each day follow that so the habit is less and less.
great goal
I agree, great goal! I also want to reduce my social media usage in general!
I need to use technology more for organization and process at work. I’m still using paper notebooks, which I tend to have to transition to e-copy anyway. First step will be to set up the electronic folders/system I need in email and on laptop.
I know what you mean I still love my planner. I have done much better putting in computer also. But if batteries die or something isn’t backed up in the cloud, my planner is like a security blanket.
I wanna be able to do excerise in the morning but i cant because i dont wake up as early
as the message states, ” Start small*..Exercise is essential to our mental and physical health. I squeeze in 10 minutes in the AM, and always end up doing more. If I don’t start, I do nothing….
Yes I’m very dedicated to early morning wake up and walk, but I need to be more committed to specific target exercise to get the results I really want. But I agree every journey begins with the first step.
I’d like to get back into the habit of running first thing in the morning, instead of whenever I can get to it. By making it a habit when I wake up, it allows me to set the tone for the rest of the day and accomplish more of my daily goals.
I need to get in the habit of doing my school work as early as possible so I can get to bed earlier. This will allow me to still get enough sleep and start my day earlier so I have time to do more stuff.
I need to start my day earlier. When I choose to wake up early I always tend to get so much more done throughout the day. It’s that lazy habit I have where I go back to waking up later. I need to break that habit. Which means I also need to break the habit of staying up late.
Waiting for things to come will not produce the future that you want in life. Reaching a goal takes time, for example: you can’t do well on a test if you only read your notes once and don’t return to them. Not everything will come all together in one day. Gradually you will accomplish your goal, and learn to appreciate the journey as well as your success.
I struggle to start the habit of saying “no” to the little voice in my head urging me to make unproductive choices (namely, going on my phone). This bigger habit is spending hours on end scrolling. I can scale this goal down by making the habit to say no to that voice, and even further write down somewhere: “I choose not to go on my phone right now”. By enforcing this decision with writing, I think it will be easier to follow it.
Great idea Ally! I think this is something we can probably all relate to!
In all honesty, I don’t really have any hobbies that I’m struggling with. I have a set time for everything everyday. I’ve been working on my time management skills and they have paid off tremendously!
My habit I am struggling to put in place is going to bed at 1p pm. Starting today I will get dressed for bed at 10 pm.
I need to get into the habit of stretching after all workouts. One way I will try to scale it down is by sitting on the floor. This is where I start my stretches, so by sitting down I will be scaling my habit down to something easy to do. Thanks for sharing this message Coach Q!
My habit that I want to build is waking up earlier. I can make this easier by waking up only a couple of minutes earlier everyday until I am comfortable waking up earlier.
I want to be able to wake up earlier and that means I just have to go to bed earlier and that is something I am working on. I feel like it’s going slower then I liked and am ok with that because I know over time I will go to bed earlier and get up earlier.
A habit I need to start everyday is to read. Something I can do to scale it down would be to read at least 10 pages everyday and gradually move my way up.
I just want to wake up a little earlier to pray and exercise
25?! Got it! As for creating a habit for me is creating content to post. Ive become more conscious on what needs to be done. Creating the habit of focusing on quotes in my profession to post have been keeping me afloat on thinking what to post next in building a social marketing machine. I have already recently developed reading 1 chapter a day to reach my goal of 12 books read for 2021. So progress is being made. More effort can be put forth though.