Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality, likes that turned into love.
- Please go back to the 7 Day Calmness Challenge [last Saturday] and complete the entry for the day. Edit your comment on that message to add to it. If not, please reply to your last message.
- Can you count your blessings? How many simple, often overlooked things can you be grateful for off the top of your head? Use a timer, take ONE minute and say “Thank You for ______!” for each thing you can come up with. Please share the final number in the comments.
PLEASE rate today’s message below. I want to bring you the best I can deliver and your rating helps me know what you value so please rate the message.
Thank you!
Counted 9 blessings- I kept a gratitude journal and log in it nightly.
I did 18! I listed what I love right off the top of my head and it wasnt too hard.
Counted 10 blessings fast and easy- top of my head. After that I became blank and was looking to find more 🤷♀️ I could manage 15.
Wow! I never realized it’s difficult to find what I am grateful for. I guess it’s time to write Gratitude notes for something everyday.
I listed 20.
Day 4: I am doing good, I didn’t get angry, frustrated, and such at all and stayed calm all day long while still getting EVERYTHING done that I needed to.
Day5: I have built my self control up very much through this exercise. I just sat there and listened to my mom and sister speak for 2 hours ad only input when I had something really important or valuable. Normally, I would interrupt as instinct when I had something to say, But yesterday i just focused on what the other person was saying. This calmness challenge has not only built up my ability to stay calm, but my self awareness and control.
I counted 16! I never actually realized there are so many things to be grateful for I have in my life and how many blessings I often overlook.
I was able to count on 14, I have to realize that I have a lot compared to other people.
i got 12. it wasn’t hard i expected it to be harder but i have so many things that i’m so happy and thankful for in my life that i could have went on and on. they were mostly little things, but they have a big impact on my life.
I came up with 13
I was able to count 11 simple blessings.
I’ve tried to cultivate and maintain an attitude of gratitude all my adult life, although I catch myself letting a few complaints slip past my lips each week. The pandemic has helped me to focus a lot more on being appreciative and thankful for the blessings in my life. It’s definitely curbed my murmurings and gripings, which are usually insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Today’s 1% Tribe activity resonated with me in a special way. During my minute of reflection, I thought about how grateful I am for the following:
Do Overs
Good Manners
Clean Water
I counted 15
I counted 20. So much to be grateful for!