“In the end, it all comes to choices to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.” ~Amber Frey
Time To Step Up
- Journal: Learning Challenge continues with researching ONE thing that will make you a better you. Write out a plan for how you can improve based on your research. If you have all of the steps, you can then decide when you will take these steps. If not, continue researching. If you need help, text me.
- Do you believe the key for you to step up is more about massive action or consistency? Is there another element that is a higher priority? Please share in the comments.
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Consistency and habit are the most important for me. But there are times that warrant massive. However consistency is the key.
I think the key to step up is more about consistency and the WANT to step up. Then after that it’s definitely about putting in the massive action and work to get to your goal.
I think for me right now, it is massive action. I feel as if I’m lacking the clarity of the goal, but have the motivation and am forming all the steps. It’s the unclearness for what I really want that I need to take massive action for. But I think that the key in general to step up is consistency. Once one finds that massive action and clear goal, it is difficult to create consistency.
I think consistency is the key to step up because consistency is repeatable actions.
Sidd, I like your point. But the way I interpreted this question is that consistency is for people who already have a game plan. Massive action is needed when you don’t have direction. So at times massive action is needed, in my opinion.
Good point! I agree with you. A lot of the time, when people don’t have direction, massive action may be needed to get started. But another thing to keep in mind is that often, massive action is just built up consistency.
I know I have used this example before. But when there is a block of ice in a 25-degree room, as it increases to 31-degrees, it does not seem to be any different and still is yet to melt. But as soon as the room hits 32 degrees, the ice begins to melt. Though the 32 degrees melting process may seem like massive action, and it rightfully may be so, it never would have happened without the 25 – 31 degrees change beforehand (Consistent action in this example). Just like that ice example, often consistent action will build up and be expressed through a massive action or result all at once. That is why I believe that consistency is more of the key to stepping up.
That is just something to think about. But I do agree with you. Thank you for replying to my comment, it gave me a new perspective!
Sidd, great example. Consistency is definitely needed to see results. But in certain situations massive action may be needed to get started. I think at times massive action can be the trigger to then cause consistent action rather than the result of consistency. But I definitely agree that consistency is the key. And I really liked your insights, it also gave me a new perspective.
Consistent action and faith are key for me. The faith helps me to keep believing.
Faith tells me it may not be easy but it is possible.
Definitely consistency for me. I have moments of greatness that I find difficult to maintain.
Consistency, passion, and endurance are key in my opinion
And we’ve though as human beings, we’ll be lacking on one at times, Ive seen the other 2 pull someone through to the end!
I believe that through consistently improvements you will undoubtably improve and that constant small steps up will eventually show large changes for the better.
I feel consistency is the path I choose…but, there are times when massive comes into play.
Consistency for me means perseverance! That ties in directly to the stumbling blocks. Keep in moving. The stumbling blocks can also be lessons that build our character.
Consistency has worked for me. It has helped me to develop muscle memory. Getting going however requires massive action.
Consistency is the key for me to step up.
The key is definitely consistency in my opinion. I deviate from the plan too much and always end up in a bad situation
There’s no question that consistency is the golden key for me to step up in various areas of my life where I have slacked off. As Mr. Clear states in Atomic Habits, “Most people need consistency more than they need intensity.
-run a marathon
-write a book in 30 days
-silent meditation retreat
-don’t miss a workout for 2 years
-write every week
-daily silence
Intensity makes a good story. Consistency makes progress.”