Things That Scare You


“There will ALWAYS be an excuse not to do the things you need to do. Particularly, the things that scare you.” ~Mel Robbins


A morning routine sets the tone for the whole day, and if you do each day right, you’ll do life right.

One of my goals for the beginning of this year was to get into a good morning routine in order to set myself up for the day. It started whenever I read “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod in January. I knew that not having a good morning routine and feeling overwhelmed and disorganized were connected.

I needed to work smarter, not harder, and the first step was to create good habits.

The first thing I needed to do was quit the belief that I was a “night owl.”

Over the past several months I have been working on “habit stacking” to craft myself a good morning routine that works for me. Habit Stacking is a way to build a new habit into your life by stacking it on top of something you’re currently doing. For example, before I brush my teeth in the morning (current habit) I will meditate (new habit) for three minutes. I’ve discovered the personal ritual I have set up for myself has helped put me in the right mindset and offset any morning procrastination.

Read more at:

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Billionaires Do This For 10 Minutes Every Morning

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Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I agree that habit stacking will help get my day started better!

April James
April James
4 years ago

My morning routine so important. I get up everyday around 4:50am and my daughters new puppy looks at me like really are you serious? There is the morning walk even if its 15 degrees out. But I wake up every morning seeking exercise, laughter and beauty. This habit has allowed my to see countless amazing sunrises. So I absolutely want to habit stack. I have added reading the 1% tribe post and I want to add one more habit starting this week.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago
Reply to  April James

Hi April! What an adorable puppy 😊I have also added the 1% tribe to my morning routine!

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

I think habit stacking is a great way to build habits. It gives you a time frame of when you build that habit because you are almost like attaching it with another activity.This is because you are doing the habit before or after an activity. This allows you to build the habit daily as you will remember that before I do (activity) I will do (habit that you want to build). Regular routines triggering new habits like what Q said is in my opinion a great way to build new habits

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

I also agree with you and Q about regular routines triggering new habits.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

Thank you Sidd for helping me out today to better understand Objectives, goals and habit stacking. You motivate and encourage me 🙏

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

Habit stacking helps force myself to create a habit that I have had trouble adding into my daily life. By adding it after a habit I already do, it can fit in naturally with my schedule and be an easy addition, rather than trying to force it into my life.

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago

I agree with you Scarlett and I think that habit stacking is a great way to add in new habits without adding too much and being overwhelmed.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

Absolutely! Feel lighter and easy adding a New habit to my daily routine this way.

4 years ago

I definitely value habit stacking. Because I am morning person I tend to follow through with my plan of action better so I tend to habit stack when I feel the sharpest. I’ve added joining the conversation into my morning routine 🙂

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
4 years ago

I love the concept of habit stacking! I am all good n with the teeth brushing after my prayers. I have stacked the habit of reading your morning inspiration in the 1% Club. Address other texts and emails. Then my coffee and workout. New habit will be meditation-3 minutes seems like a perfect goal to strive for. Will fill in more habits throughout the day

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
4 years ago

My morning rountine has changed over the years. It depended on my childrens ages or way timem of the year ot is.
Consistently its been read briefing from the New York times, coffee, and breakfast.
I thimk I would loke to try meditation, it keeps voming back to me in many different ways and suggestions.

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
4 years ago

Habit stacking could be very useful to create new habits not just in the morning but anytime of the day. This is very important because habits are a large chunk of your day and habits can help drive you to success.

Abishai Byer
Abishai Byer
4 years ago

I think habit stacking stacking is a great concept! It will help me become more mindful of the habits in my daily routine. After brushing my teeth, I let the dog out, pray and have devotion time. New habits that I will add in this week include reading the 1% tribe post and a few minutes of meditation.

Joan Quagliata
4 years ago

I will try it this week !

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago

I think habit stacking is a great concept. When it comes to a new project or goal, I’ve heard so many times and know from experience that starting can be the hardest part. By adding it into a routine, the task will become less daunting and feel more attainable, making us more inclined to work on that project every day.

Spencer Carran
Spencer Carran
4 years ago

I think habit stacking can be very important because habits are so important to everybody’s life . Habits can dictate so many things in your life like your work ethic and good habits are extremely helpful.

Anvi Agarwal
Anvi Agarwal
4 years ago

I think habit stacking is a great strategy to incorporate new habits into your daily routine. I know for me, I tend to have the excuse of forgetting or not having time, thus by adding the new habit before or after one I already do, like drinking a glass of water before my coffee, I can be more consistent!

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
4 years ago

I tube habit sticking is great way to improve what you do in the morning or at anytime in the day. The more good habits you have the better your life style will be.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

Habit stacking is a wonderful idea 💡 . Makes it easy to remember and consistently do it. Like few mins of meditation right before I goto bed to cleanse my mind and energies, doing cardio right before shower. Thanks Coach for this new approach to getting into good habits.

Toriano Duncan
Toriano Duncan
4 years ago

Very interesting. I will try it this week

Sean Givens
Sean Givens
4 years ago

I do not have a great morning routine everyday. In order for me to have a better morning routine I need to get into bed earlier. My morning routine I get up and I check my phone for a while. I need to get going sooner and make my breakfast earlier. I do stretch which is very important and then I eat, next I brush my teeth and wash my face. I just need to get going earlier. Habit stacking will be very good for me because I believe when we make and keep habits we become so much more active and discipline. This is good because we will be able to reach our goals. I am going to follow coach in habit stacking and when I get up after I stretch I am going to meditate for 5 minutes. Another habit I am going to try is to get into bed earlier and still get as much sleep as I need too.

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
4 years ago

I believe I habit stack as well. When I exercise I use that time to clear my mind or harsh out any issues. By the time I’m finished exercising I have my solutions, game plan, or I’m refreshed.