Until You Change


“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine” ~John C. Maxwell



Ask yourself:

Are you a leader?
Are you a follower?
Here’s the thing: You do NOT have to be a leader to be great. Greatness is essential for both leaders and followers.

How can you achieve greatness with everything you do? Can you be a great follower? A great leader?

What if there was a formula to create greatness . . . in anyone?

  1. Create a Vision
  2. Turn Adversity into Advantage
  3. Cultivate a Champion’s Mindset
  4. Develop Hustle
  5. Master Your Body
  6. Practice Positive Habits
  7. Build a Winning Team
  8. Live a Life of Service

Read more at: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/achieve-greatness/

  1. Let’s revisit your goals for the week that we set on Sunday. Have you accomplished all three? Two? One? Today is the last opportunity to honor that contract. Make an effort to complete the tasks.
  2. Please share if you accomplished your goals or not. Focus on how any of the goals you accomplished and how you could have approached it better without needing a miracle {or maybe you did need a miracle} – let us know. If you’re just joining this exercise, please share your thoughts on the benefits of goal setting.
  3. Please rate this message with the stars below [right before the comments]. Thank you!


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Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

I accomplished 2 out of my 3 goals. I was able to accomplish those two because I set intentions to do it at the start of each day and I looked for moments throughout the day where I could be impactful. A better way to approach it would be to set time frames where I have to do those things in. That way I know I am getting it done and doing it in abundance.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

I accomplished 2 out of my 4 goals. I am going to finish my 3 rd goal today. My fourth goal though, is no longer achievable as it was to spend 30 mins or less on electronics on YouTube I spent almost an average of 1 hour on yt so I failed that goal. My thesis goal was to complete my plan and I am almost finished with it. I think I should have been more regular with my goals and instead of leaving any of my third goal to the last day. I should have finished it before. I did my fourth goal for the first 2 days and then it went downhill from there…

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I totally relate to this. I accomplished one of my goals, and also felt like I was completing tasks as they came, letting my time control me rather than me controlling my time. The two goals I failed were also work- related and not particularly desirable, and I set my sights on them a little too high. I think I need to reevaluate how much I can accomplish and set my goals to be more achievable, but still impactful. In addition to creating more time- realistic goals, I need to hold myself accountable to accomplish them.

Faith Bonett
Faith Bonett
4 years ago

Goal setting is very beneficial because depending on what your time frame is, you can actively work to reach it when you have your mind set on achieving it throughout the entire process. You will also be able to see the step by step and look back to see where you messed up or where you were successful. Setting a goal the day before you want to achieve it can be tough because you do not have enough time to focus & figure out the why, how, & reflect on the process.

I think the most important things if for your goals to have a specific intention so you WANT to work for them, not just an obligation.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
4 years ago

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas.
The goals I set in my mind were short term fir the week and were in place since Thanksgiving.
Project 1 -Reroute/reorganize seasonal clothing change due to loss of space -DONE
Project 2-Donate to families for holidays adopted 3 families, prayed for places and people to serve- lost count after 8 ( to whom much is given, much is expected ) -DONE
Project 3-Have all gifts wrapped before 3 on Christmas Eve (80% done all house gifts completed)
Project 4 Being present in receiving and reflecting on there daily 1% Club messages. Grateful for this because it is helping me to form my mindset for 2021 and beyond. – 90% DONE
I Definitely appreciate the feedback and encouragement!!!

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
4 years ago

I feel like today’s idea of change and daily routine fit really well with my goal of attempting to do my bed daily to get a jump start on my day

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago

I achieved 2 out of 3 of my goals. I was able to drink more water and 10,000 steps. I was able to achieve these goals because I set myself up in the morning to accomplish the goals for the day. I would fill up a water bottle in the morning and I would also go on a walk which set the tone for my day. I was not able to read 10 pages a day because I kept telling myself I would do it later until it was too late it do it and I kept doing that everyday.

4 years ago

I got to apply something like this during my long quarantine. Changing Somme thing in your daily routine really does go a long way.

Shruti Narayanabhatla
Shruti Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

I accomplished 1 out of my three goals today. The reason for not accomplishing the other two is because I lost sight of those goals as the day went on and I put them off. The one goal I did accomplish was earlier in the day, when procrastination did not kick in. I realized that I’m most likely not going to accomplish my goals if I put it off and do it later in the day.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

I just set up 3 goals for myself and looking Fwd to keep up with those. 1% a day goes a long way 👌

April James
April James
4 years ago

Very powerful video, full of the hard truths about accomplishments. One of my goals was to record my first video for a new YouTube channel. It was pretty bad but it’s most importantly a beginning which is so much better than just standing still. I feel confidant that if I’m consistent it will get better and better.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
4 years ago

I didn’t accomplish any of my goals. I believe I need to manage my time a lot better. So, focusing on the necessities more than my wants.

Toriano Duncan
4 years ago

Powerful. Rich people don’t work, They think! Wow

Adriana Santiago
Adriana Santiago
4 years ago

I accomplished 2/3 of my goals. it was easier than expected because i told myself that if I had to time to watch netflix, i had to to work on my goal. it was hard though because i’ll sometimes forget about the goal during the day and won’t accomplish the part of it needed to accomplish the full goal. i will figure out how to remember the small things so i can accomplish the big ones.

Kellee Blades
Kellee Blades
4 years ago

Unfortunately, I didn’t accomplish my goals consistently last week. But this upcoming week will be a whole different story!

Sean Givens
Sean Givens
4 years ago

I haven’t made any goals this week but I understand how they work. I did have a plan for my working and skill training and I was able to
Complete that.

Anne Marie Quagliata
Anne Marie Quagliata
4 years ago

Yesterday I accomplished 2/3 goals. I had made my bed and did a workout. I did these early in the morning so it set the tone for my day to be productive. Today I will try to accomplish all 3 of my goals by reading 20 pages.

Taylor Nelson
Taylor Nelson
4 years ago

Sometimes we get use to being so busy that when things settle down and there’s time on our hands we don’t know what to do with ourselves. I set my 3 goals for the week and I’m excited to see how this goes!

Matthew Pe Benito
Matthew Pe Benito
4 years ago

I was only able to accomplish one out of three goals. I could’ve came to closer to achieving all three goals if I set specific times to work on each goal. I know that with school work I tend to procrastinate work sometimes so this could be because of this. Now I know how important time management is because it affects me more than just school.

Jonathan Pierrecin
Jonathan Pierrecin
4 years ago

Good afternoon everyone I set many goals for my self in one day but I’m just going to talk about 3 of them. I accomplished 1 of my 3 goals today I told my self that i would limit myself from watching tv and I did that, I set a goal to work out and eat healthy for the Christmas break I haven’t been doing that lately I set a goal to go to bed much early and I did go to bet earlier yesterday And when I woke up I felt like a completely different person because of how good I slept.

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
4 years ago

I am not a good leader or follower when I am not consistent. I am left behind. Developing the habit is not the hard part, sticking with it is. Thanks for the accountability too keep moving forward and be a 1% club member in word and deed.

4 years ago

I finished 2 of my goals, get a good grade kn my quiz and have some family time

Xavier Daly
Xavier Daly
4 years ago

You are insane of you think doing the same which has a negative effect or unwanted effect every time and you think it will work after many trial and error attempts. I had to come to terms to say that I wanted to pursue other activities that I’m well involved in and happy with over basketball. I feel my change of path will all pay off, and with the courage I had to do what I did, my destiny will be more rewarding because I chose what I wanted to do, not what other people think.