“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results.” ~Bob Proctor
- Which of these is harder to do: finding enough time for your commitments or executing your plan from start to finish? Please share your insights in the comments.
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I think finding time for my commitments is more difficult. I can finish a project or plan after I start it, but sometimes finding time to do the everyday tasks — the mental toughness tasks — are more challenging.
For me it is harder to execute my plan from start to finish. I find that I have more than enough time most of the time but going through with the whole plan is sometimes difficult. I find one little thing could throw me off track and I have a hard time finishing the rest of my plan since then.
It’s hard to separate these roadblocks. I don’t always finish my plan start to finish because I lose time and get distracted by other priorities. That said, I am accountable for prioritizing what is important – so I need to do a better job with using my time wisely.
I struggle with this too!
For me it’s finding enough time. I can create and execute a plan but lately something always seems to come along and mess up my consistency. I think this is mainly because I take on too much stuff. I’m learning to say no but it’s a sow process.
Finding time for the commitments are the most challenging. Especially when things don’t go as planned and find yourself spending more time than what was projected.
to me it’s executing my plan from start to finish. I have a bad habit of getting distracted easily so to me it’s hard to go from start to finish
I believe executing my plan from start to finish is harder for me. I think it is because when I make a schedule, it usually isn’t actually actionable and doesn’t account for possible changes in plans.
I strongly believe that people make time for what they’re most invested in. Therefore, today’s query may be a trick question. If you find or, rather, make the time to accomplish something, you will most likely complete it in due time. You may not meet your deadline, but you should finish it nevertheless. Your thoughts?
I struggle with prioritizing which correlates to both of these ideas. I relate to Tracie’s comment.
Finding time is the most difficult for me.
There are so many other things to be done in the 24 hours. With All the different hats we wear, too often we put everything else first and run out of time and energy for our self .