
“We are more powerful when we empower each other.”


Join A Community | James Clear

“Join a Tribe where your desired behavior is the normal behavior.”
  1. Come up with TWO ideas of how you can be more accountable to the things you say you want. Please share at least ONE idea in the comments.
  2. Do you appreciate the shorter video presentation? Please share your thoughts. I would like to know. Thank you!

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3 years ago

One thing that would make me more accountable would be to create a schedule. By doing this I will be more efficient and make sure that I can get everything done.

Loris Murdock-Johnson
Loris Murdock-Johnson
3 years ago

By writing what you want down and reviewing it consistently it holds you accountable. If you are reviewing your goals you either have toMake excuses as to why its not being worked on or Active in planning what’s the next step is.

I prefer the shorter videos there are times when I do not have 30 minutes And have to break it down into segments. However, some messages need 30 minutes So what mixture.

Adriane Domareckyj
Adriane Domareckyj
3 years ago

One way for me to hold myself accountable is to write down what I want on my list of things to do. If it is written down, I will refer to my list and get it done.

I really enjoy the video presentations. I thought the brick by brick by Will Smith was so powerful and so simple to do to accomplish your goals.

Adriana Santiago
Adriana Santiago
3 years ago

One thing to help me hold myself accountable that always works is writing it down everyday until i achieve the goal. if you write it down every day, you can’t forget about it and you can’t procrastinate it since it’s so fresh in your mind.

Justin Wyatt
Justin Wyatt
3 years ago

By writing it down you have no excuse as to why you aren’t trying to accomplish the goal. It also keeps you accountable and is a constant reminder that you have something to finish.

I like the videos presentations but sometimes I do not have the time or energy in the morning to watch and pay attention to a long video.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
3 years ago

One way to be accountable is to write it down.
Other way is to tell my son or my husband.
I like the short video. It’s crisp and to the point which registered in my mind right away!

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
3 years ago

One thing that would make me more accountable would have to be, completing my work and studying in time. This is so I don’t have to rush to do everything. I believe try to stay away from my phone while working will allow me to better achieve this goal.

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
3 years ago

One way I would make me more accountable would be to write what I need to do everyday until it is written down. That way I will know I will have to get it done.

Claryce Cook
Claryce Cook
3 years ago

One way I am working to be more accountable is sharing my goals and wants with others. When I share them openly, and request their assistance in keeping me accountable, they can follow up. It also helps me know that I have someone there to help encourage me when needed.

I really enjoy the shorter videos. They are easier for me to process the content and watch in the small pockets of time I have during the day.

3 years ago

GM, this is an excellent question, one i had to think about. Along with writing down my goals as others have stated, I think I need to create a vision board because I am also very visual person. I think looking at my Visions everyday will help to empower me more. this is a work in progress.

the videos are great!

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

This is so true! You don’t lose any power when you empower others just like you don’t lose any of your flame when you share it to light another candle. TEAM-Together Everyone Achieves More
I text what I intend to do to a friend or person I know will hold me accountable

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

Yes!!! The shorter videos are better for me.

Divya Seenivasan
Divya Seenivasan
3 years ago

One way to hold myself accountable is to track my progress in a journal. I think by organizing the tasks I need to complete and checking them off, I can better hold myself accountable.

Tori Fisher
Tori Fisher
3 years ago

I should write down a list of things I need to get done. As I get them done I should cross them off. Seeing the things being crossed off will give me motivation to finish everything else.

I enjoy the all the videos, doesn’t matter to me how long they are. As long as I understand the message then that’s what matters to me.

Gianna Mattia
3 years ago

One thing that would helps me be more accountable is my planned, I right down my plans or thoughts of plans for the day in First priority to last. This helps to remind d me to do it and check it off when I’m done, when all are checked off I feel that the day was productive and complete.

Dante S. Rsheed
3 years ago

I believe a weekly accountability meeting with someone who you trust to hold you accountable is productive. And also progress calls throughout the month 10-15mins help to keep people on track.

I do enjoy the videos. 5-6mins i think is the sweer spot.

Danielle Wilfong
Danielle Wilfong
3 years ago

I can be more acceptable by doing what I said I was going to do and get it done right away.

Shruti Narayanabhatla
Shruti Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

Something I want to do to be more accountable is to limit the amount of time I use on my phone. A way to do this would be to put it away whenever I am working and have specific times where I do not have it around me at all. I also noticed that when I listen to music while I am working it helps me fight the urge to check my phone.
I also enjoy the shortened videos because it is easier to watch on a daily basis as opposed to the longer ones which take more time

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

One thing that would make me more accountable is having setting reminders every 30 mins to self asses the last 30 mins. This would help me stay more on task and help me stay aware all day long so I don’t get off track for sometime. (Coach told me this idea and I thought it was a great idea.)

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
3 years ago

I have to remind myself to selfcare, daily, weekly,monthly. Accountability for me is reminding myself to take time fir myself. For me that’s at times difficult.
I like the shorter videos, they are a great message with such an empowering tone!

Vishnu Sharma
Vishnu Sharma
3 years ago

One way to keep myself accountable is to write down my daily goals in a list and when to do them. I do appreciate shorter videos, and I love that it mentioned finding a “tribe” with your interests.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
3 years ago

One way to be more accountable is to be honest with yourself. Are we actually doing all that we can ?

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

One way to be more accountable is to message Q at the end of each day about where I am at and check in with him. This will help me stay focused and ties my accountability to another person. I like the shorter videos because it helps me focus on a smaller amount of information and really understanding it. It also helps that the amount of info isn’t overwhelmingly large but still meaningful.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago

I can be more accountable for completing the tasks I say I want by sticking to my new morning routine I’ve created to help me have a healthy start to each day (ex: make my bed right away, journal, read, meditate).

I really like the short video. I appreciate the longer ones, but I think focusing on a segment that is directly related to the theme of the day’s 1% makes the video more meaningful and easier to have a takeaway.

Xavier Daly
Xavier Daly
3 years ago

Everyone’s goal is should be to succeed. However, people may be taking a load all by themselves, which makes a task more laborious and challenging. Helping each other will get things done quickly and efficiently, nobody should be alone taking care of a task that is bigger than one person that should complete.

Xavier Daly
Xavier Daly
3 years ago

For me, now that I’m 17, I need to start being accountable for the money I spend, I need to buy things that I need, and then later buy what I want. I love the short videos, even though they are concise, they get their full point across for me, and I can easily understand what they are sharing.

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
3 years ago

The thing that helps me the most with accountability is to track each time I perform an action that moves me closer to the thing I want.
I like the longer videos because I get more out of them that is actionable.