“No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggles changed your life for the better.”

Habit Formula Builder

Brick By Brick | Will Smith
- Choose one habit you would like to build and commit to changing it. Following the Habit Formula Builder above: Pick the Cue, Choose a Reward and Execute the Routine by committing it in writing.
- What is your #1 productivity tip? Please share in the comments.
- If you didn’t take the challenge on yesterday’s message, please go back and do this. Thank you!
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Productivity tip: THE IDEA OF A JOURNAL. for example. I develop and write simple daily tasks of reviewing things most important today to get done. Take 15mins in the am before starting the day to jot these down. Revisit the list at the end of the day. That which was not accomplished list as priority for the following day. The goal is to accomplish everything on the list. Add new tasks as you become more efficient in finishing the tasks to increase the amount of things you get done in a day. Start small be consistent and make it fun.
I think starting a journal will keep things simple organized and focused on the important things that will lead me towards my bigger picture.
I am not sure what occurred But I did not receive yesterday’s message.
Productivity tip: Stay focused on whatever your trying to achieve. That can be accomplished in many ways but writing things down and reviewing them frequently works the best for me. My memory is not as great as used to be so I have been using technology to assist, by setting many alarms on my cellphone. They Remind me of the most important task on my list. Once my day starts it can sometimes be very chaotic with unplanned Events and my alarms helps me to refocus.
Productivity tip – Work on one thing at a time. I accomplish more, complete more and improve myself when I focus on one thing and get it done, and the results is better quality and last longer.
I agree ☝️
To stay focus. Staying focus can help you get it done faster and you can be more successful
A productivity tip is to keep your phone far away from you when you are doing something. When I am doing my homework or working out I like to keep my phone on the other side of the room so I do not get distracted to use it.
Productivity Tip – Once you commit, you commit. If you said you’d get your homework done before practice you need to actively make time to do it and then focus on it without distractions
A habit I want to commit to is working out every day. An issue I have is that I have bursts of motivation but that motivation is not consistent. To fix this, I want to set a specific time in my day to work out and also ask a friend to do it with me. That way, I’ll be motivated by multiple people. The cue would be an alarm I will set as well as my friend. The reward will be watching an episode of a tv show of my choice. This year, when I see the alarm go off, I will work out in order to watch my TV show. My number one productivity tip is making a checklist of things to do and then also incorporating the times I would take a break into that list. That way I finish whatever I wanted to do for the day. I also always tell my friend at the end of every school day what work I will be doing and we decide to go outside and take walks only after we both finished what we said we would do.
I love that you and your friend hold each other accountable!
I make a to do list. I then work on the task until completed and then move on to the next. I like checking off what I’ve done. It motivates me to compete the list.
My productive tip if you have the time then act like you have to complete something in tat time this can make it easier to complete things because it helps with procrastination.
First I did dance around in appreciation yesterday but I’ll definitely do it again today. I’ll probably do a “just dance ” competition with my daughter. Productivity tip, always bring something else to do…Never just be waiting. Example you’re waiting in line at motor vehicle or the doctors office, turn this into productive time not just sitting or standing around time.
Great idea to use up what most people view as boring and wasted time to do something productive!
The number one thing that pops up as a productivity tip is writing things down. Whether that is your to-do list, a draft of an email you need to send, or even journaling to release whatever is on your mind. Of course, this can be done by using the phone, however, I find a lot of the time it’s best to use pen to paper, especially for journaling and in some cases a to-do list. I have found having a physical planner has helped me so far in this new year and something I would like to continue with because it helps me with my productivity.
Another tip that comes to mind is having a morning routine. Wake up early if you need to. Don’t go straight to your phone. Meditate, journal, exercise, etc. Having a routine has helped tremendously with me being more productive during the day.
I agree with all of this! Especially about writing things down with a pen and paper, I find it so different than typing on my phone.
My tip: When you’re doing anything, find a goal that is just a little bit below the “easily doable” level. Tell yourself to make sure you accomplish it, and chances are that you will. If you don’t, go a little lower. Then, after that, tell yourself to finish a level slightly above that, and so on, while telling yourself, Let’s go, just a little bit more. When I do this, I accomplish more. An example:
You are going for a run and want to see how far you can run without stopping.
Let’s say that the most you’ve run for at one time before is 80 meters (not a lot, but let’s just pretend). I have to run 60 meters, you tell yourself. Soon, you arrive at the 60 meter mark. Just a little bit more, come on, you’ve gone to 80 before, 60 is easy. Get to 80! A short while later, you arrive at the 80 meter mark. You did it! BUT— Come on, you have to get past your previous record, get to 100… and you get to 100. HOWEVER- What’s the point of stopping now? Make a new record for yourself! The farther you get, the better! Get to 120! And so on, until you arrive at 200 meters completely maxed out.
I have used this before several times, like when I was in the track and field and our warm up was 3 miles long. I kept myself running, telling myself that I had only a little bit left.
Even though I know I’m just tricking myself, I keep going when I use this strategy, and it works for me.
You don’t have to like the work, but you have to love the results.
Wake up early. I have made myself become a morning person and I get a lot of things done before a lot of people even wake up.
Productivity Tip: POST IT NOTES!
In order to stay focused to one task I always write a to do list everyday but sometimes that looks overwhelming. So I write the tedious ones on a post it and stick it to my desk. It serves as a reminder to complete these tasks to the best of my ability and once they are done I enjoy crumpling them up and throwing it away. I personally don’t like clutter so if I see my desk is becoming a different color due to these post its, then it’s time for me to “clean up!”
For a long time, I tried to force myself to just do the work no matter how much I hated it. However, that always falters at some point. For me, it falters when I have a bad day and I do not want to work even more than I do not want to work, which sets a precedent, and then soon I have undone all my progress. If you can like the work, great. However, you don’t have to like the work, you just have to like where it will get you. If you know that doing something once daily will make you great at something you really want, you won’t have to force yourself to work. This is in line with envisioning a goal to make working easier. If you envision the goal, you have something you really want to accomplish and you know what you have to get there, which makes it easier to work to get there.
First of all, I want to thank Bryan Pope for sharing the presentation [Brick By Brick | Will Smith] with me. I have a video [that I love!] of Will Smith’s wisdom [10 minutes long] and I also have the full interview from this video but the beauty of this is that this 2-minute clip is the perfect size [bite-sized] for the 1% Tribe. It’s symbolic in representing what the 1% Tribe is all about: small input -> huge impact. Bryan, this was so on point!
Secondly, thank you all for the feedback yesterday [if you didn’t comment yesterday, please go back & help me out.] You can also send me a text at any time if you have any ideas or suggestions that could help me improve the tribe. – I would appreciate that. We are getting better together & it feels great! I love reading your comments so thank you for your contribution!
Two productivity tips: 1. Lay flat on your back palms facing up. Meditate for three minutes, focusing on your breath, and set your intentions (for the next hour, couple of hours, day – your choice). This has helped me so much and it makes my stressed brain relaxed and focused. 2. Movement and music are so helpful! After sitting at a desk for hours, listening to music (at least one song that makes you really happy) is an instant happiness, motivation, and confidence booster for the rest of your day.
Failure helps us grow. Mistakes helps us to adapt. If we never experience mistakes while doing a task, that won’t benefit for the better because you are still in your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable will you down the path to future success.
My habit I need to get back involved with is videography and broadcasting for my high school’s sports programs. My #1 tip is pursue what you loved if you would do it for free, that shows dedication to what you want to accomplish.
I rate this an 8.
Write down your goals, desires, and the steps you will take to achieve them. Review those steps daily.
One habit I would like to build is to make a plan at the beginning of the week and at the beginning of the day. The cue I will remember is when I touch my phone at the beginning of the day. My reward will be I get all my stuff done and I get more sleep because I’ve been tired lately. My number one productivity tip is to get the work done so you can have more time to rest after.