
“Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference.” ~Lou Holtz


This is Why Self-Discipline is Easy | Mitch Manly

  1. Do you consider yourself disciplined? Do you struggle with it? Name ONE thing you can do to improve your self-disciple. Please share in the comments.

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Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
3 years ago

I consider myself very disciplined. I’ve been leading a vegan lifestyle for the last 5yrs. One thing I could do to get better is meal prep more often so that I’m not eating out or reaching for junk food when I’m hungry.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago
Reply to  Chevon Thomas

That’s awesome Chevon! I think people who lead the vegan lifestyle are so strong.

3 years ago

I think I am a pretty discipline person, especially with my school work. One thing that I can improve on is making a schedule, usually I have one in my head, but I never take the time to actually write it down, that could help me a lot.

3 years ago
Reply to  Quinn

Quinn, making and keeping to a schedule is a good idea.

April James
April James
3 years ago

I’m definitely more disciplined with somethings than others. But what always helps me is writing things down. If I write it down and make a step-by-step plan these are always the things I’m most likely to succeed in.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

I consider myself disciplined. I am willing to go through hardship to get better, and challenge myself on a regular basis.

As the beautiful quote above says, ‘Winners embrace hard work’ I am proud to say that I have grown to embrace hard work and no longer consider hard work as a punishment.

I have also stopped being ‘annoyed’ with many things because annoyance almost always comes with a complaint.

One big thing that I can do to build my self discipline is identifying the habit that triggers me going to sleep or deciding to stay up. Once I find the trigger, I can shape my environment to adjust around that.

I honestly believe that once i rid myself of the distraction of Youtube, and sleep early and wake up early, then I will be able to do some really amazing things and grow quickly as well as efficiently. This is because those are my only real distractions I have identified right now.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

I am a pretty self disciplined person in my health goals and maintaining my emotional and spiritual joy. I need to improve on my ability to not feel compelled to do things for people who do not appreciate it. If I did not cause the problem, cannot control or cure the problem, I need to remember not to get caught up in the problem.

Tori Fisher
Tori Fisher
3 years ago

I do struggle with it sometimes but for the most part I am self disciplined. One thing I could do to improve it is making a schedule

Adriane Domareckyj
Adriane Domareckyj
3 years ago

I find I am like April. I am very disciplined about somethings. My book club meets once a month and I have not missed a meeting in 14 years. I think the interest helps to make me disciplined.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

Wow, that’s amazing Adriane! Great job!

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

I would consider myself disciplined. I struggle if I let my emotions and feelings control me. One way to stop this is by identifying the benefit of the action vs. the negatives of allowing my feelings of lack of motivation take over.

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
3 years ago

I do consider myself disciplined in certain categories. I am very disciplined with my job. Focused and extremely hard working. I am not always disciplined in my self care. Definitely working on improving that.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
3 years ago

I struggle a little bit with discipline. I can be disciplined for periods of time but then I can Slowly start to fall off. I’m still trying to figure out what to do to change that

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
3 years ago

I consider myself discipline. Although sometimes I struggle and start to get sloppy. One thing that can help me stay disciplined is writing my tasks down or creating a schedule.

Quinten Sutton
Quinten Sutton
3 years ago

I consider myself someone who is working on discipline daily but it feels like a never ending battle. One thing that I can do to improve my self discipline is improve my time management skills more. I have come a long way with my time management but I can always do better.

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
3 years ago

Self discipline for me is mental, if I can start doing something like working out I would usually finish. So I’m usually pretty well disciplined and something I could improve would have to be dieting and better scheduling of my time. I believe creating extra time for activities will allow me to always be prepared.

3 years ago

I’d say that I am disciplined when it comes to certain things like work and play. I’d like to be more disciplined when it comes to time-management, getting rid of debt and completing specific projects. To increase my level of discipline, I can employ the strategies detailed in Atomic Habits (e.g., The 1% Rule).

Tracie Stewart
Tracie Stewart
3 years ago

This clip resonated with me. Figuring out that North Star is a process in itself. While I agree with it in spirit – finding your passion, what it will take to get there, then actioning your life in support of that passion – makes the needed discipline much easier. But in reality, life is much more complex and creating a disciplined life will require developing habits to do things that you might struggle to connect with the relationship to your achieving your North Star., Discipline starts in the mind – removing the negativity in your thinking, creating habits that reflect a life of purpose. I am starting there – creating the space to be able to think, reflect, meditate with disciplined daily walks.