
“If we remain humble and hungry, we can win.”


The Learning Retention Pyramid is a theoretical model that illustrates the various methods by which one can learn and each method’s respective expected percentage of retention. This concept illustrates how well you may be able to retain information based on the various methods that you can use to learn (i.e. listening to a lecture, reading a book, etc.). Knowing about the Learning Retention Pyramid can help you gain a better understanding of how you can effectively comprehend new information that’s given to you.

The Learning Pyramid was originally created by the National Training Laboratories Institute during the 1960s, and while some have recreated it over time, the primary information from the original model remains the same. This model posits that teaching information to others is the most effective way to learn it yourself, and the best way to make sure the material is stored in your long-term memory.

Here is a visual depiction of this model:


Why it Pays to Be Hungry | Les Brown

  1. What is the number one thing holding you back from being the best version of yourself? Please share in the comments
  2. Review your goals for the week. Also, consider goals for the next FOUR weeks starting Monday. Prepare to set those goals on Sunday.

PLEASE TAKE ACTION & COMMENT BELOW. Currently, it’s our main source of accountability. Also, please rate today’s message below. ⭐️

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Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
4 years ago

Tim holds me back. I have so much to do and I do it all by myself. It feels like my days are in fast forward so some days I just can’t get to me because I’m too tired.

4 years ago

I sometimes feel like its school because pre algebra kinda hard

Bryan Pope
Bryan Pope
4 years ago

@ .45 Les Brown said “someone opinion of you doesn’t
have to become your reality”👍🏾

The number one thing hold me back from being the best version of myself is me. If I say anything else I’d be lying 🤥, believe anything else delusional 🤪

Adriana Santiago
Adriana Santiago
4 years ago

The number one thing that holds me back is fatigue. Sometimes i’m so tired from the day before, i wake up late, altering for the course of my whole day

4 years ago

I can totally relate to this, Adriana. I’m normally a morning person but due to COVID I’ve been waking up a little later than usual (from 6am to now 7am). For me, that actually makes me a bit tired especially when I wake up before 7 and just lay in the bed. I’m trying to make an effort to get up as soon as my eyes open. Thank you for sharing!

4 years ago

I think the comfort of where I am at and the fear of the unknown.

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
4 years ago
Reply to  Adriane

I totally agree with you on this. I’m not a huge fan of change and that’s because things will be unknown to me. I have a fear of falling so I like to stay where I’m comfortable because it’s more known to be and I can control the situation.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago

I think the one thing that holds me back from becoming the best version of myself is video games and YouTube. I spend unnecessary time on it instead of on other actually important things.

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
4 years ago

The thing holding me back isn’t comfort, but where I’m comfortable. At coach Q and on my court I’m fine. When I hit a game I get uncomfortable and don’t always do want I need to do because now I have defense. I am working on changing that.

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
4 years ago

I think it is important to figure out what is the best method for you to learn. If you find out what is working best for you you will be able to retain more information. By doing this you can become smarter, and it does not take much work you just have to try out different ways to learn and see which works best.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

The thing that holds me back in becoming best version of myself is my laziness 😐 I need to wake up early!!

Vishnu Sharma
Vishnu Sharma
4 years ago
Reply to  Sirisha Ghatty

Same, I need to wake up earlier too.

Xavier Daly
Xavier Daly
4 years ago

Striving to be great will take hard work and mental toughness. It’s easy to give when a person feels they are incapable of achieving what their goal is. However, the one who is tenacious and passionate about what they want to accomplish in life, the reward will be great but the journey will be even greater. Leading by example can show others that they can achieve anything they want with consistent work and action.

Claryce Cook
Claryce Cook
4 years ago

The thing holding me back from being my best self is me. Specifically me not setting time aside to focus on me. I justify it by telling myself the other items on my to-do list are more important when in reality, taking care of myself is vital for me to be able to take care of others.

April James
April James
4 years ago
Reply to  Claryce Cook

I completely agree I am to blame for my mindset. Putting time into balance and self achievement is vital for our mental health and happiness. So I’m with you babygirl now go take sometime for a long bath and relaxation.

4 years ago

The main thing that holds me back is my bad habit of procrastination and probably my diet.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
4 years ago

The number one thing that holds me back is wasted time scrolling on Instagram. It is unproductive and has the ability to consume a large period of time.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago

I totally relate to this problem. I feel like my sense of time disappears when I start to scroll for too long on my phone.

Gianna Mattia
4 years ago

I think the thing holding me back is laziness. I am working on just doing what I need to do push through my laziness and then my plans for the day will start happening. Get my day started early on the weekends instead of laying around till 10 am. On weekdays, during school, instead of giving 65% of my attention and checking my phone, pay 100% and powering through the lesson. Maybe I’ll even start have more fun in school by doing that.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
4 years ago
Reply to  Gianna Mattia

Hi Gianna! I find that paying attention to virtual classes is more difficult than in person, and I also tend to check my phone more frequently than I should be.

4 years ago

Attitude. Managing a large family forced me to adopt a “it’s good enough” attitude. I’m in survival mode. In order to get back to the best “version” of myself, I need to push my comfort zone.

Divya Seenivasan
Divya Seenivasan
4 years ago

The thing that is holding me back the most is my lack of discipline when it comes to going to bed early/waking up early to get enough sleep and energize myself. I let myself stay up late for no reason or I won’t get out of bed in the morning unless I have somewhere to be.

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
4 years ago

I would say the thing that is holding me back is my inability to care for myself as much as I put into my children. Honestly this has been such an imbalance for me. I have to constantly remind myself to selfcare. I am getting a litlle better, but I still have a way to go.

April James
April James
4 years ago
Reply to  Janel Powell

Yes I’m with you. My first instinct is to make sure everyone else has all their needs met. I believe your generous spirit and heart is to be commended but we both need to remember if we breakdown, they will all be a mess Lol. Just like on a plane we need to put our oxygen mask on first. 🙂

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago

I’d say there are three main sources of the struggle to become the best version of myself. One is lack of discipline (spending needless hours on my phone), two is a fear of the unknown (the weariness to take the jump into a project I can’t know the outcome is daunting and makes it more difficult to start something new), and lastly the fear of failure and regret (what if I invest so much time and passion into something and it wasn’t worthwhile? a lesson can be learned, but that doesn’t make it less scary).

Sean Givens
Sean Givens
4 years ago

I think the number one thing holding me back is social media

Matt Pe Benito
Matt Pe Benito
4 years ago
Reply to  Sean Givens

Hi Sean. Your comments is meaningful to me
because I think a lot of student athletes in our generation have the same problem but don’t like to admit it. For me, I know social media can result wasting hours of my day without even realizing it.

Vishnu Sharma
Vishnu Sharma
4 years ago

The thing holding me back is the most is my procrastination. I logically know that I should do the work immediately, but I always end up doing it later and maybe even last-minute, which causes me to waste a lot of time.

Last edited 4 years ago by Vishnu Sharma
Justin Yang
Justin Yang
4 years ago

Confidences… to be more exact my mentality have been holding me back. I fear others judgment and what people’s image of me is.

Jorge Lee
4 years ago
Reply to  Justin Yang

Justin this is the most common fear people have wether they’re aware of it or not. Fear of failure and judgement is the greatest enemy of achievement. We all have unlimited potential even though opportunities and resources are not evenly distributed your belief in yourself or fear of failure will allow you to fulfill your potential our hokd you back.

Dante S. Rsheed
4 years ago

The number 1 thing holding me back from being the best version of myself is myself. (Paranoia) i battle with this everyday. Getting better with it and making progress understanding without risk involved there is no reward.