Today’s habits build tomorrow’s future.

Wake Up Right | Steve Harvey
- Do you start your day with enthusiasm or do you gradually get yourself going? Please share in the comments.
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It depends. Some times when the routine feels boring and I am not in right mindset or situations it could be a dull start but enthusiasm builds up during the day, as I work through the situations, give time to myself and put effort to change what isn’t going well. Otherwise I wake up with enthusiasm filled with Gratitude.
Most days I start with gratitude because I’m happy I work up. The days it takes me a minute to get going is because I’m sleepy. I hate not getting enough sleep; it throws my entire flow off.
Agreed! Not getting enough sleep is horrible!!!
gm, I definitely gradually get myself going, ESP when I have to work😚…but I love the tips listed above for the morning routine…I did many this morning and I do feel different!🙂 Blessed day
My daughter says she gradually gets herself going, but I start my day with enthusiasm. So she doesn’t get that from me Lol.
I am Tigger by nature. I wake up happy and ready to get my day started. I have a bouncy and cheerful disposition and do my best to share that because I believe that some people need a little bit of happiness directed towards them.
I always start my day with gratitude by naming 5 things I’m grateful for!
I’m a morning person so it usually takes less than a minute for me to be fully awake and ready for the day. The only time that changes is if I didn’t go to bed at a responsible time… but I’ve gotten better about that lol.
I feel like it depends on the day. Sometimes I wake up with a bunch of energy but other days I feel that it takes a while to get things going.
It depends upon how I sleep at night. Most of the time I start my day with gratitude.
I typically gradually get myself going. When i wake up i’m usually really tired and unenergized and it takes me about half an hour to an hour to really wake up and be able to do the things that I want.
If I have a plan for the day I wake up with enthusiasm. If I don’t plan my day I gradually get going, which is worse for my productivity.