Worth Doing Poorly


“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you can learn to do it well” ~Zig Ziglar


Have a Vision, Accept Setbacks & Be Persistent

J.K. Rowling always knew she was going to be a writer. According to her website, “As soon as I knew what writers were, I wanted to be one.” But it took more than wishful thinking. She started writing the Harry Potter series during a delayed train ride from Manchester to London. Rowling envisioned all of the characters and the story started to take shape. She spent the next five years outlining the plots for each book and wrote down the names and magical powers of every single character. It’s that attention to detail that make the stories so great. [Read more]

source: forbes.com

  1. Review your goals for this week. Identify any obstacles or needed resources that are preventing you from achievement of the goals.
  2. We are blessed. Please share one thing that you are thankful for in your life.

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Janel Powell
Janel Powell
4 years ago

I am thankful for my parents. Over the last 7 months they have been isolated because of the pandemic.. Dad approching 83 and mom 79, every day, hour,, and moment is a gift.

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

For sure

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I am also thankful for the holiday spirit! Everyone is much more joyous

April James
April James
4 years ago

There are too many things I’m thankful for to choose one. Ironically all the things I’m most thankful for are not THINGS at all, they are the people that make my life whole. Husband, daughter, mother, close friendships etc.. This pandemic has truly made me realize the worth of all the things I took for granted; sneaking off to a morning movie with my hubby, girls night with my friends or watching my daughter lose her mind in a bouncy house place with the other kids. That said the things I can do like work on my personal goals I need to get more intense with, so I need to hurry up and start doing things badly so I can get to the good. Thanks for helping to keep me motivated!

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
4 years ago
Reply to  April James

Great words April! I can totally agree that I am thankful for my family. Go chase those goals!

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
4 years ago

I am thankful that my family and people close to me are all healthy. I am also thankful that I can go through everyday and not have to worry about things like where my next meal will come. Lastly I am thankful for the people that help me make these weird times feel normal.

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
4 years ago

I’m very thankful for my brothers they hang out with me every day during Covid-19. And my parents keeping me active, and entertained. So I’m very thankful for my family.

Divya Seenivasan
Divya Seenivasan
4 years ago

I am extremely thankful for my parents, who are the most tough and hardworking people I know. They have been working super hard during the pandemic and somehow they manage to be amazing parents through it all as well.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

Wow! It’s amazing to have such great role models Divya!

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
4 years ago

Holidays are always bittersweet because I miss my parents and my son. However, I am immensely grateful and thankful for the family I have been blessed with a husband, 2 amazing daughters a son in law that loves my daughter almost as much as I do, sister friends, my dogs and all of the blessings that come from asking God to pattern my steps and my words so I can be able to help whenever and wherever I am needed.
I am extraordinarily grateful for my health and the health of my family and friends!
Thanks for your vision and sharing the inspiration we need!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
4 years ago

I’m grateful for my support system. I like the saying goes, it takes a village. I’m a single mother who works a lot of hrs. I am so grateful for all the people who step up and help me with my daughter.

Niki Metzel
Niki Metzel
4 years ago

I am thankful for people treating me like I am family while I am overseas and can’t come home to celebrate with my own family this Christmas.

Niki Metzel
Niki Metzel
4 years ago
Reply to  Q James

Miss you 2! I am thankful for that as well and even more thankful that you helped me get to where I am!

Tori Fisher
Tori Fisher
4 years ago

I’m thankful my family has been healthy during this pandemic and that they didn’t get Covid. I’m also thankful that it is Christmas time! This time of the year feels somewhat normal when comparing it to life before the pandemic.

Toriano Duncan
Toriano Duncan
4 years ago

I extremely appreciate life. It might not be a perfect life but it is the life that I made. This pandemic thought me a few things one of the biggest lessons that that I learned is that life is not promise to anyone. At any day, anytime, anywhere our life can be over in a blink of a eye. I am sure that no one planned to leave this earth the way that people are leaving it now. How can a family plan for a situation like this. So am Thankful for life and everything and everyone in it.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
4 years ago

I am thankful for my faith and my support system. I am also thankful for technology for helping us connect with each other easily when we can’t be in the same place physically.

Danielle Wilfong
Danielle Wilfong
4 years ago

I am thank for everything that’s have been thrown in my life this year a lot of good things happen this year and some not so good, but I am happy that after everything I have learned that I need to focus on me and appreciate the little and big things because I will never know when it can all end.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
4 years ago

I am thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my family in a setting focused on giving love through Christmas spirit. I am also thankful for this program, as it motivates me to be better every day.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
4 years ago

I’m thankful for all the examples I have in my life. They’re the reason I’ve learned to value time. I’m only 21, but I feel so behind. As a result, I work harder & smarter, and attempt to seize every opportunity.

Anvi Agarwal
Anvi Agarwal
4 years ago

I’m thankful for my and my family’s health, for caring and supportive friends and family, and for the opportunity to continue to grow and learn in college! Overall, I feel very thankful I get the chance to experience, feel, and simply be present every day.

Vibhuv Sharma
Vibhuv Sharma
4 years ago

There’s too many things to count; However, just to list a few, I am thankful to be in a warm house with people I love, having enough to eat, and having a good life.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
4 years ago

I am thankful that my husbands surgery went well and he is recovering with Gods grace..
I am Thankful to Coach Q for being life mentor for my child.
I am thankful to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends.
There is so much to be thankful for.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Peace & Blessings. I want to comment on the Ziglar post ( Worth Doing Poorly) . This is so true and valuable. As an EFL instructor and student, I learned the only way to learn a foreign language is to speak it badly in the beginning….one cannot be afraid of that phase, because you will never advance👍

Gianna Mattia
4 years ago

I am thankful for the opportunity that the quarantine has given me. Ive learned through this time to be grateful and appreciate of the little things that came out of a tough pandemic.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gianna Mattia