Chains of Habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. ~Warren Buffet
How to Break Habits | Charles Duhigg
Thank you for all of your feedback! It is much appreciated.
- Close your mouth & inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of FOUR. Hold your breath for a count ofSEVEN. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of EIGHT. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle a total of THREE breaths.
- What have you gotten from the 1% Tribe that you have made into a habit? Is there anything we’ve shared that you struggle with but would like to make a habit of? Please share in the comments.
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Thank you!
I love the goal setting, procrastination habits
I love it all
Thanks for including me!!!
I loved the video on breaking a habit…cue, routine,reward. It breaks it down into simple, easy steps to help change your habits. Thank you!
To my benefit, I’ve made a habit of gleaning from the wonderful resources provided at the 1% Tribe forum and posting comments, questions, and testimonies at least every third day.
The 1% Tribe consistently reminds me that self-betterment is a vital daily goal to achieve and that seemingly insignificant steps towards self-improvement add up to great results.
A million thanks to Cousin Q for starting and introducing me to this lifestyle of wisdom in action and to my tribe members who walk the path with me. GOD bless you all.
I love that you give us ways to help with procrastination. Thanks for letting me join
I’ve made a habit of starting my day with 1%!! Great way to start the day.
i love it! i love the quotes the challenges the videos. everything.
My morning routine is great thanks to 1%! But my nightly routine is not good. I have the intention in the morning to make it better, but when the time rolls around I end up failing to improve it.
My morning and nighttime routine have improved drastically because of new habits I’ve formed. For example, I now read at least one page in my book before going to sleep.
Good morning, I actually enjoy the daily messages of positivity and growth. I struggle with the journal parts and at times the responses. Slowing down my day to take a moment for myself to reflect is a challenge for me.
Janel, I’m glad you raised the fact that we often don’t take time to just chill during the day. Yes, it’s super important to slow down the pace in this “rat race” and reflect. Good for you!
Making my bed, checking the 1% tribe messages in the mornings, drinking water right when I get up, reading at least once a day, and the habit of setting better expectations are all habits I have gotten from the 1% messages. I struggle with breaking some bad habits.
Also, Great vid today! I think this will help me a lot when breaking my habit of Youtube!
Sidd, you said a mouthful in just a few words. YouTube can be helpful with its tutorials and whatnot, but that algorithm is always working overtime to pull us down the rabbit hole. All the best breaking your habit. You can do it…1% at a time.
I love the video & concept of changing bad habits!
Love the book, it’s a good read.
One thing I’ve been able to get from the tribe is setting small attainable goals or check points and hitting those daily. I’ve been aware over the last 2 weeks to make sure to set those checkpoints that will move me forward. Over those 2 weeks, I noticed a vast Improvement on completing those small tasks and as a result, I was able to accomplish my bigger task quicker. One thing that I would like to improve on falls in line with procrastination. Whenever I get a “CUE” I want to be able to instantly get up, get to work, and complete whatever task is in front of me. If it takes me 5 min to get started, that is 5 min I am wasting and it can be devoted to something else. This is a challenge that I am improving on daily.