“Healthy habits are learned in the same way as unhealthy ones – through practice.” ~Wayne Dyer

Habits Can Make You or Break You
- If you could go back in your past and warn yourself of an action that has become a bad habit for you, what would you tell your old self? Or, what good habit would you encourage your previous self to build? Please share in the comments.
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A bad habit that I would tell my past self to avoid would be getting frustrated at things that shouldn’t be frustrating. I find that I get frustrated over things that I can’t control or have no business getting frustrated over.
me too
I would tell my young self to get on a consistent exercise routine everyday. I worked out when I felt like it – which was frequent – but it wasn’t a disciplined habit and was at the mercy of how I was “feeling”. Now as an adult, when I rarely “feel” like working out, and forming that daily routine is one of my biggest challenges because it isn’t a core habit.
Totally my situation too.
Tracie, I second that comment. I need to incorporate DAILY exercise instead of the 2-4 times a week exercise sessions I struggle to maintain.
I would tell my 6th grade self, the one who really started making lists to get things done, that my lists don’t have to be make or break. I used to think that if I didn’t stick exactly to my list I had failed, so I would just give up and do something unproductive like watch TV. I was unable to be adaptable. I have learned throughout middle and high school that it is necessary to be adaptable to be successful.
I would tell myself to stop procrastinating about meditating and just do it!
I would tell stop watching TV & go outside to explore different activities!
That’s a great one I need to follow more too!
Another great question, Q. Where do you get them?
Well, I’d warn myself to do things as soon as they come to mind instead of putting them off, which usually results in the things being forgotten for a long time. Opportunities to improve interpersonal connections and/or accomplish important tasks are lost due to delay. That’s a habit that needs to have never been forged.
I would tell myself to stop charging my credit cards
Don’t eat so many sweets. When you are young it is easy to burn the calories, so it is easy not to think about sugar. When you get older you learn the damage that can be done from not eating properly. It is easy to fall into that pre-diabetic zone. Read labels when you are young… if sugar is listed as the first 3 ingredients- skip it.
That’s great advice!
I would warn myself to be mindful of my screen time. And I would encourage myself to focus on the things and people that matter, especially not focus on the people who don’t!
It’s too many to choose from honestly. But I would tell myself to start saving, reading, waking up early and being proactive