“Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.” ~Norman Vincent Peale
Why Quantity Should Be Your Priority | Herbert Lui
- Does quantity provide a better chance for growth than quality? Test the theory of the day. You must still have the intention to do well but just get repetition on something you want to improve and let us know how it works for you.
- Should the 1% Tribe morning message be sent 7 days per week or just Monday to Friday>? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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Thank you! Thank you!
I think Monday through Friday would be great!
I’d like it Monday- Friday:)
7 days a week! We should get better everyday, and Saturday and Sunday are no exception. The videos, challenges, thoughts, quotes and comments introduce new ideas everyday and I think we should stick to 7 days a week.
I think 7 days a week will keep us going!
I like to do the blog in my bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings to get my day started. I like doing that but, I would be ok if you did mon-fri.
I don’t see any reason why Saturday and Sunday shouldn’t be included. I think 7 days a week is good.
It should be 7 days a week. The banner on the website and the premise of this blog was to get 1% better everyday!
I think it should be 7 days a week because I would like to get as much better as possible. A few weeks ago we saw a video with someone saying that over a year, you would get 37.8% better. With only 5 days a week, we wouldn’t get that much better, only around 14% better
7 days a week
My thoughts on quantity vs. quality is that you have to aim to have better quality, and by getting better quality, you can then improve quantity.
An example is if you’re learning to bake. Let’s say you are baking your first cake. You should try to make this cake as good as possible, then, once your done and have free time you can try to make another one that’s a little bit better. Over time, you will find it easier to bake cakes, and the quantity will get higher because the procedure will be quicker. So, if you started baking one cake a day, maybe by the end of the month you can bake 5 cakes in one day.
Now let’s say you are focusing on quantity. You want to get as many cakes made as possible. You’ll get the batter, quickly knead it, mix the ingredients, stir, then put it into the oven, then immediately get started on the next one, doing this all within 20 minutes. This is not a recipe for a cake, it is a recipe for disaster. By rushing, you aren’t getting as high quality as you can. For example, maybe you didn’t knead the dough for long enough. The cake would come out lumpy and bad-looking. Let’s say that you finish 15 cakes that day. There’s a good chance most of them will not be very good, and by the end of the month, the number would probably stay around 15, because you are rushing just as much as before. You might get a little bit faster, but even if you finished 100 cakes in one day on the last day of the month, who would eat it? Those cakes would probably be really bad.
Something I forgot to write – quantity is helpful, but only if you focus on having good quality while doing the thing.
I would like 7 days just because I really love the quotes and when I have a basketball game I love to know the quotes to give me more positivity.
7 days a week!!
I believe 7 days would be great, because it is consistent improvement everyday.
7 days a week would be better.
Monday- Friday gets my vote. People can revisit the posts that really resonated with them on Saturday/Sunday
Both quantity and quality are important but quantity first to simply establish a habit, after that you can improve the quality of that habit. Sometimes trying to do something perfectly keeps us from getting started at all.
I think whether quantity v/a quality depends on the level of the tasks and purpose. For foundational tasks quantity is better so your reflexes give good outcomes. As the complexity of the tasks increase, quality makes a difference
I think quantity in the long run will win out. I get better at a thing the more I do it.
I vote for Monday through Friday.
I think All seven days would be best because sometimes it’s hard to do it on weekdays and weekends are easier.
7 days a week. There’s no break at getting 1% better everyday.
I love getting the morning message every day. Some week days I read it but don’t get a chance to respond but the weekends I love going back to the ones I missed or enjoyed most and doing the weekend challenges.
One area where quantity lead to quality for me was in zoom presentations. I didn’t know how to get on a zoom before the pandemic because we did everything face to face. I did my first live webinar a few weeks later grainy picture and full of technical difficulties
I did 2 more still with technical issues so I went to Zooms. Got my PowerPoint a ring light and started doing 3-5 a week. Since June, I have done over 200 Zooms for clients and my team and appreciate the journey because the repetition lead to confidence and flexibility and customization of the content which has been great for business
Being skillful will take time to develop your skills! It does not come over night whatsoever. Dedication is key in order to master a particular area on your craft. Soon after, it will be in the back of your mind, and you will get the job done because your are an expert and know what to do like a machine with a set function.
I would like to continue to have the messages everyday each week, well maybe not Sunday.