React To Whatever Happens


“There are a lot of things that are beyond our control but what you do have control over is how you react to whatever happens in your life.” ~Oprah Winfrey



Your GOAL needs to be motivating, which means, it’s something you really want or really want to avoid. A worthy GOAL is a thing that is difficult to get but you are willing to work very hard for it because you sincerely want it bad enough. You can trigger your enthusiasm by thinking about what it will be like once you obtain your goal. Coordinate & use that enthusiasm to fuel the energy you put into working for your goal.

Your PLAN is the roadmap that puts you in better position to reach your goal. Your PLAN states your OBJECTIVES, WORK & timeframe. It helps you stay efficiently on track, avoiding the pitfalls that prevent your success. It organizes the actions you take in incremental steps so you can calculate the time need to complete your goal. For example: Decide how much time for each objective [5 , 10 or 15 minutes], how frequently to repeat [everyday, 4 times per wk or twice a week] and then estimate, based on the goal, how long it will take to achieve the goal.

Your OBJECTIVES are the actions you repeat on a regular schedule that stack up to move you to your goal. Each OBJECTIVE shrinks the work of the goal into manageable steps that you can achieve. You are more likely to achieve your goal when you focus on doing a great job at these smaller steps instead of overlooking their importance since they are easier & more abundant.

Your WORK is best thought of as supervising the goal. There are four parts: double-checking, scheduling, reminding & reviewing. Double-Checking is the HOW – making sure the quality of your execution is done well & correctly. Scheduling is the WHEN – setting up times to take action. Reminding is the WHAT – to make sure you take it seriously at the time scheduled. Reviewing is the WHERE – to confirm things are on track & problem solve for things that are off track. The WORK is the glue that makes your goal system effective.

  1. Set 1 GOAL, make 1 PLAN, decide 3 OBJECTIVES & define the WORK. [This might take 10-15 minutes, depending on the goal.]
  2. What time do you wake up on weekdays & weekends? Please share in the comments below.

Thank you!


Oprah Winfrey | Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Circumstances

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Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I wake up between 6:30-8 depending on when I fell asleep lol
I have a strange sleep pattern and am prone to naps to finish projects that would infringe on more productive daytime hours

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
3 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I wake up usually at 7:00-7:30 on schools day, but during the weekends and break I wake up around 9:00-10:00. I feel like creating a habit of narrowing when I wake up Will allow you to create a better plan for your day.

3 years ago

Up at 4:30am every morning.

3 years ago

I am usually up between 5-6am on weekdays & 7-8am on weekends.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
3 years ago

I usually wake up around 6:30 everyday.

Matthew Pe Benito
Matthew Pe Benito
3 years ago

I tend to go to bed late usually because poor time management with work and school. On the weekdays I wake up at 6:45 every day but on the weekends I wake up at 10 am.

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
3 years ago

I find that I’d rather do my homework sooner than later so I don’t have to worry about it. People always say that they are up late doing work and I never have found that problem because I usually do any work I have right after school.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

Good morning and thanks I needed that!!!
I didn’t really sleep last night, I rested but mainly I processed what has been happening and what I will choose to address and react to the things I can control.
My Mom’s favorite prayer was The Serenity Prayer and as a thriver of a very helpful program, the words that I knew so well came back to me when I needed them most- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
I am so excited about the peace I have from the night of subconscious introspection.
I strongly recommend the movie Sylvie’s Love, I watched it last night and it was phenomenal. I got a line from it that was a revelation” Life is too short to waste on things you do not love”
I will apply the challenge presented today as I assess where I am with my goals and what I want and or do not want
I will also hold on to my 4 C’s
Did I cause the problem?
Can I control the problem?
Can I cure the problem?
If no…I will not get caught up in the problem
Have an amazing day everyone!

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
3 years ago
Reply to  Eileen Marcial

I love that prayer too! And I will look into that movie!

Gianna Mattia
3 years ago

I wake up at 7:00 on week days for school and since I’m in that sleep habit, On the weekends I wake up at 7:00 too. And no matter how late I stay up at night, my body still naturally wakes up at 7:00.

Toriano Duncan
Toriano Duncan
3 years ago

I am usually up between 6-7 am but I am wasting that hour by laying in bed on FB where I can utilize that hour and go workout or read.

Adriana Santiago
Adriana Santiago
3 years ago

I usually wake up at 5:45-6:30 on weekdays and 7-8 on weekends. I definitely have to get control of the time I go to bed especially because everyone in my family goes to sleep late and I can’t keep doing what they are doing. Especially because when I go to sleep later, i’m a lot more tired.

Abishai Byer
Abishai Byer
3 years ago

I usually wake up between 7am-9am depending on what time my first job for the day is scheduled. I need to work on waking up at more consistent time in order to make sure I own each morning and be more productive during the early hours of the day.

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
3 years ago

I usually wake up from around 6:15-6:30 on both weekdays and weekends.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

I usually wake up at 4:30 everyday, but I woke up on 7 on this Saturday

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
3 years ago

Weekdays around 7:15 for school, weekends around 8-9. Even though I go to sleep around the same time everyday.

3 years ago

My goal is to start my e-commerce clothing brand. My plan is to sell this on a website. My 3 objectives are to make the website, create the clothing designs, and advertise the business. On weekends i wake up at 9 and on weekdays I wake up around 6.

Divya Seenivasan
Divya Seenivasan
3 years ago

On the weekdays, I wake up between 7:45 and 9:45. On the weekends, I will wake up between 9 and 10:30, depending on how late I go to bed.

Vibhuv Sharma
Vibhuv Sharma
3 years ago

I usually get up between 5:30 and 6:00 on weekdays so I can get in some basketball practice before school. But, for the past 2 or 3 days, I’ve been getting up at around 8:00 since I can’t do any basketball practice (injury). On weekends I get up between 7:00 and 8:00 AM.

Kellee Blades
Kellee Blades
3 years ago

I’m a morning person so waking up early is my THING! Pre-Covid, I was waking up at 5:30am for kickboxing classes before work. Now I’m waking up between 6-7am and workout at home.

Vishnu Sharma
Vishnu Sharma
3 years ago

On weekdays, I wake up any time between 5:30 to 5:45. On weekends, I wake up at 7:30-7:45, but I am waking up at the weekend schedule time in winter break since there is no school.

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
3 years ago

On week days I wake up at 5am if I plan on exercising before work otherwise I wake up a 6am. Ok Friday I go to my part time job after I finish my full time. I work that job Friday and Saturdays 7pm-7am. I go home and sleep until noon and then I start my day.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago

On weekdays I wake up at 7 , and on weekends I tend to wake up between 9 and 10.

Spencer Carran
Spencer Carran
3 years ago
Reply to  Ally Williams

I wake up around the same time unless I have something early in the weekend.

Bryan Pope
Bryan Pope
3 years ago

What sleep schedule? I work overnight during the week and it’s hard to sleep during daylight hours generally it’s a bunch of random naps.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
3 years ago

I tend to wake up at about 7am regularly. However, the time I get out of bed varies lol

3 years ago

On weekdays I usually wake up at 6:30 for school and on weekends I’m usually up at 10-11

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
3 years ago

I wake up between 6:30 and 7:30 usually. I love to wake up early at 5 but I always set it off as I sleep late. I should start sleeping early so I can wake up early.

Tori Fisher
Tori Fisher
3 years ago

I honestly don’t think my sleep has ever been a consistent schedule. I’ll go to sleep but I wake up randomly in the middle of the night and then just be awake. So annoying

Christina Midgette
Christina Midgette
3 years ago

I usually wake up at 7 am on the weekdays and then 6 or 6:30 on the weekends

Jonathan Pierrecin
Jonathan Pierrecin
3 years ago

I’m supposed to go to bed around 8 to 9 o clock but sometimes I go to bed around midnight it’s usually because I’m reading a book or scrolling on my phone in the weekend I get up around 9 to 10 but in the week days I get up around 5 or 6 in the morning because my school starts at 7:30 and I need to make my self something to eat and get ready to go to class. I always get up on time no matter what time I go to bed because I have in alarm that I program to get me up in the morning.

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
3 years ago

I tried for years to go to bed early so I could wake up early and was unsuccessful. I was encouraged to set my wake time first and it will help me set my bedtime. My bedtime is not as consistent as I would like but waking up at 4:30am is the best.