“The price of greatness is responsibility.” ~Winston Churchill

The Cost of Greatness
- Yesterday we started the Journal Challenge. Are you with me on this? Have you started? If not, why? Please let me know in the comments.
- Journal Reminder: Always write the date & try to document at least one current event that stands out in your mind
- Journal: In TWO sentences or less, write what is distracting you or giving you difficulty.
- Can you set an expectation that ‘difficult’ is a normal part of your journey to greatness? Can you dedicate and drive yourself to do the little things no one else wants to do? Please share your insights in the comments.
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Thank you!
Good Morning. Doing the difficult has been something I’ve adopted over the past 4 years. If it’s difficult but is required to achieve my goals, “then it must be done” has been my way of being. For example, I decided to add working out 5 days a week and managed to do it. Because of it, I was able to get results I never achieved before. Making those sacrifices and commitments of doing what’s uncomfortable but required has made a difference in every aspect of my life.
Congrats Kell!
I am hoping that I will be able to find current events that reflect where l want to be in life. The tendency is to go for the big headline which is easy, but now reflecting on how does that need/moment impact my life?
I think I can do what’s difficult. I’ve been taking more classes and opportunities in school so I can reach myself closer to my college goals.
hi! i said this yesterday that i had started journaling, and i enjoy it. i also really like this quote because it shows that you have to be responsible and have to take responsibility for your actions, good and bad, and that is part of the way you succeed.
Journey – I was off yesterday but starting today – and will go back to include yesterday’s entry about my purpose. Intrigued my the suggestion to start a digital journal as an option. That may be what it takes for me to consistently do this. Trying this approach!
Yes – all true. Difficulties and hard work are part of the journey to greatness, as are resilient and perseverance. I commit to taking daily steps to move forward towards my purpose, despite the difficulty.
Blessings! It’s weird. Reading the quote several times and listening to the comments has made me realize how I’ve accepted difficulty as a normal part of my journey. Being in the corporate world for so many years made life difficult because I adapted to that hectic and stressful work life which isn’t healthy at all. Now that my journey is my story, my way I am working on adding other elements to my daily routine to manage the “difficult “. Eating healthier, exercise and meditation.
I really liked how the video said something along the lines of the average person sees difficulty as a brick wall while a great person sees it as a staircase. I think we have to start looking at things that may seem hard as a staircase. We have to just take it one step at a time and it will be a process but you will get to the top over time.
I’m with you on the journaling but I completely forgot about it yesterday. I will start today. I believe anything worth having will not be easy getting it. If it was easy everyone would have it. When I set my mind to doing something info all in and won’t stop until I accomplish my goal.
He said in this life there will be trouble.
I try to remember this when I am tried of pushing.
I have never thought of making the pledge that way but I like it !
I have just , I am not a Quitter😁
Good day, 1% Tribe. How is everyone today?
Yes, I’m with you all in the Journaling Challenge. The honesty is real in this forum, so I’ll admit that I must make a journal entry for yesterday as well as today with intent to enter a brief, daily record moving forward.
For me, the only distraction is not making journaling a priority in the past, so I stopped doing it.
Perhaps someone will mention how he or she ensures that new endeavors get done on a consistent basis. (Hint, hint).
Try habit stacking! It’s the subject of one of the previous 1% messages. I’ve incorporated the habit stacking concept in my life in order to add new habits into my daily routine.
I am loving the journal challenge. I can and have set that expectation. I commit myself to do the little things no one else wants to do.
It’s been a busy but productive weekend
I will start my selfie video journal Sunday
The difficult expectation I am setting and will accomplish is to be consistent and intentional to lead by example
If I want my team to grow
I have to make the changes I need to grow
And I am excited
I have checked the meditation box
Conquering the Kobe approach
And striving to live my vest life and to be the rainbow in someone’s cloud
Difficult has been in my life since I was able to understand what it meant. I’m no stranger to difficult so I’m okay with it often appearing along my journey. And the more difficult it gets, the more prepared I’ll be.
I started my journal late, a little bit t of an intense weekend. Nevertheless started.😊I can set an expectation that is a challenge to my routine. I will be thinking about what would be appropriate for me.
I got off track and did not see the journal challenge. I am starting today.
I can and will take time yo clean up the clutter that is distracting me from moving forward. I find it difficult to take the time and deal with the clutter but I can do difficult things to get where I am going.