Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

Never Stop Learning
- A lot of times, we can neglect things that are right in front of us. What do you value to learn that hasn’t been a priority or has just been on the back burner? Or, is there a new, different or changing area of something that you already know that would benefit you to learn? Please share in the comments.
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I LOVE TODAY’S QUOTE/LESSON. Never stop learning or evolving. I was actually just talking about that with a friend. Every decade of my life I learn something new or gain a new perspective I couldn’t of understood the prior decade.
I always felt I was a master at my job, high evaluations and scores. This year has forced me to do things totally different. I learned to creatively incorporate technology in my classroom that I would have never done because of the circumstances. My teachibg style is forever changed.
I never knew you were a teacher. That is awesome!
Yes, I am. Also, when I create my responses without my glasses I make silly typos.
Lesson; put your readers on Janel.🤣🤓
I value to learn how be more organized digitally. though I believe that I am organized in real life, the digital world is different. Without the help of people like Coach Q, I would be trying to find a needle in a haystack every time I would try to find a specific thing.
Till yesterday, I didn’t realize how unorganized I was digitally. I had multiple documents for the same reason, I had things out of place, and I had things in documents that I no longer used.
Because the world is already a digital place, with most organizational aspects of life being shifted to the digital world (if not already shifted). I need to become organized or I will be lost in the future when I need specific things I spent hours working on in the past.
I think it is important to remember that we can learn something from everyone. Even if you think you are better than them you can still learn something from them. I think it is important to keep can open mind.
I made a goal to implement changes in my life to be more eco-friendly, and I have definitely started, but it gets neglected sometimes on the days I plan to do it. I think I need to reevaluate my goal strategy because I don’t really have an end- goal in mind.
Hi Ally! That’s a great goal! This summer I stopped using plastic water bottles in an effort to be more eco-friendly.
I like today’s video. I agree that we should never stop learning to grow. You can learn from anybody. I have learnt so much from my son. There is no age for learning!
I have been planning to take an immersion class to become fluent in Spanish and to decorate cakes.
Hi Eileen! That’s awesome, I’ve always wanted to become fluent in Spanish.
I do need to add that I had been planning to learn how to meditate and thanks to my participation in the 1% Tribe I am meditating daily.
i love the quote for today, i will definitely take it with me!!
An important value I need to learn is patience. I struggle with applying it in the moment and it’s only after the moment has passed when I recognize my impatience.
gm, that’s right, when you stop learning, you stop growing. My job kind of forces me to be on the cutting edge of technology, which is good. We are very high tech firm, esp. now, so it definitely benefits me to stay on point and keep learning 🙂
Learner is one of my strengths. 💪 My favorite strength. I love learning new things, new or improved ways to do old things. Learning things about myself and others. Something I want to learn is how do I learn. I would like to be more intentional with my learning. I am homeschooling my youngest child and I am fascinated by how different our learning styles and interests are. I would like to learn how to encourage others to learn.
Something I have been trying to push towards more is having a better sleep schedule and also creating a more organized daily schedule where I can complete my daily tasks. I believe that if we stop learning or progressing forward, then we are being left behind so learning and improving, towards that image of your goal will benefit you from now to the end of time.
Loved the quote and the video from today. My kids get annoyed when I am always asking strangers questions, and I tell them that I ask to learn from them.
In school I have a project where i have to create a program that uses a list, which i know how to do pretty well, so i’ve been trying to challenge myself by learning how to create this using drop down menus in an external application which would benefit me to learn for the future.
Learning the value of self care.
Spend most of my life caring for others and placing my needs on the back burner.
Learning that caring should start at home and extend from there.
That’s a great lesson everyone should learn and apply! Like they always say, you need to put your oxygen mask on first before you help others.
I definitely wish to learn finance, real estate, and accounting more in depth! And with the access technology brings us today, all of the knowledge is in our hands. Recently, I started Searching for ways to use my credit to buy a house and use it as a source of income