“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” ~Winston Churchill

He Failed 1000 Times (Real Life Story)
- Journal: Write in TWO sentences or less, something you’ve outgrown.
- Do you believe you are tough enough to face the adversity life hands you and STILL become the person you desire to be? Please share in the comments.
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I believe that although life is hard and holds many challenges, I am able to overcome them and become who I am striving to be with the assistance of a solid community and listening and allowing God to speak into my life.
We have to learn from our rejections , they are a reminder that it was not our time at that moment. There is so much to learn from failing forward
I continue to work on resiliency. The answer is yes, I do believe I can handle the punches and keep going – history has proven that. Key is to not let adversity cloud my positive outlook. That’s easier said than done – but so important if you want to be successful at walking into your destiny. I remind myself… these challenges and disappointments are shaping my character. Trust the process…
luv the quote ❤ Coach. If you’re going through Hell keep going !😃…so profound. As an Ole G, I have already been tested and know I can handle life’s punches…you fall and you get back up, and keep fighting for better days. God is Good all the time 🙏
Yes I do. I believe it’s all based on your mindset. You can do anything your mind tells you to do.
I believe I am tough enough to face the adversity of life by learning to adapt to my situation. If I continue to be and grow more into being adaptable, I can face any adversity life throws at me.
i really like this quote! even though it isn’t super long and it is self explanatory i feel it has a deep message. just never give up and keep pushing!
Although life is full of adversity, and can really break you down mentally, I believe I can get through it. If I want to get better, you have to face adversity and learn from it, get better and improve. You however cannot improve if you do not understand you need change, and need to learn from these challenges.
I agree that a key to actually changing is that you need to have self awareness.
I think that this is where your personal “values compass” comes into play. If you list out what your goals are and what your personal values are, you can use them as a compass to blindly move forward when you’re feeling too “down and out” to feel optimistic
Personal values compass. I like that!
This quote reminds me of the country song by Rodney Atkins, “If You’re Going Through Hell”!!! Check it out!
First off, I never knew the story of Colonel Sanders and KFC and I’m amazed at his resilience.
And yes I believe I am tough enough and that the adversity is shaping me to become a better and greater person than I could have ever even pictured or known. The adversity elevates me to new levels I didn’t even know existed.
Well said, Scarlett!
yes, I do believe I’m tough enough. I’ve been through too much not to be tough
I believe I am tough enough to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles come my way. I have a vision and the challenges remind me to be brave, Dearing and out of my box of comfort is who, how and where I want to be.
I do believe I am tough enough to face the adversity life hands me and still become the person I desire to be.
This quote is dope… I believe life has thrown me a lot and I’ve decided to face it head on. It’s all I’ve known in my life. Without it, it’s considered too good to be true