“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” ~Rupi Kaur
- Journal: I hope you are keeping this up! Write at least one thing that you are grateful for because it makes your life easier.
- Is your night time routine on point? Do you have any tips to share with those of us who are still working to make our night time routine better? Please share in the comments.
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My night time routine isn’t really on point. But, what makes it easier for me in the morning is the consistency of when I sleep.
My night time routine is so on point. Everything is so routine for me now it just flows like 2nd nature. I don’t let anything interfere with my sleep so if it’s my bedtime and something didn’t get done it will have to wait until tomorrow.
mine is also like that, everything happens in an order and if for some reason i chat finish it then i do it first thing in the morning.
Chevon, please share with the Tribe how you’ve perfected your nightly routine.
I wouldn’t say my night routine is one point. The only advice I have is to set a bed time and stick to it.
I listen to my favorite song before I go to sleep. It puts me in a good mood, especially if I had a bad day and I sleep better if I go to sleep in a good mood.
Mood music, huh? Good idea, Tori.
Nighttime routine!? What’s that? Either my wife and I blissfully pass out from exhaustion or she says, “You have to wake up early…go to bed.”
I do not have a nighttime routine😗
No.. I need help. I always stay up later than I want. Even when I start thinking of heading up earlier.. I get distracted 😞
Yes I love my nightly routine!! It includes journal improvement stuff, preparing for tomorrow (getting stuff together), some stretching/breathing, and some decompress time.
My night time routine is better than it had ever been. I have a set time to be in bed and I hit it over 50% of the time. My husband and I read a book together at night and we are getting that done 60 % of nights. It is time to work on turning the lights off and going to sleep 💤 at a set time.
It is not on point. I aim to include stretching, journalling, reading, and setting a bed time.