It’s not the mistake that matters. It’s how you deal with it, what you learn from it, and how you apply that lesson to your life.

5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE | Oprah Winfrey
- When you make a mistake with something important, do you believe it always teaches a lesson? Please share in the comments.
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yes , i believe it always teaches a lesson. I believe it teaches us to be more careful and approach that next situation better next time.
Completely agree!
I believe every mistake teaches you that one valuable lesson… and that’s to never make that SAME mistake TWICE..
Yes has always taught me lesson. Sometimes it’s as simple as listen before speak.
Absolutely. Teaches a lesson and makes you resilient.
When I was growing up my parents worked very hard to care of me and my sisters. They are from the old school, do what I say and do not question anything. As humans they made mistakes, we all do. I made a point to apologize to my children and have conversations with them when I have made a mistake. That has been very helpful in our relationships.
I love the last part of forgiving yourself. I can definitely do a good jod of beating myself up for a mistake. Love today’s message!
In the beginning no, because I’m so mad I made the mistake but after I calm down and think about then I receive my lesson.
yes. it always teaches a lesson. it can teach any lesson weather telling us what to do next time or telling us what not to do next time. it always teaches us something.
Not right away. It takes me a minute to digest and reflect on the impact or type of mistake. What I am realizing is that more times than not, the mistake is caused because I am not present in the moment. Or I did not trust my “gut”.
Yes, I believe that mistakes always teach a lesson because there is a reason you made that mistake.
In other words, you did something incorrect or wrong that led to the mistake meaning there is something you can do better. All you have to do now is realize the lesson and learn how to apply it to your life.
I feel that is the hardest part.
Yes I do believe it always teaches a lesson, even the little mistakes have a lesson to be tought. You just have to take the time to uncover that lesson and and use it for next time so you don’t make the same mistake twice.
This makes so much sense. Mistakes always uncover the lesson and hopefully the same mistake won’t be made twice.
I do think that it teaches us a lesson. I teaches us how to better handle a situation. I also will help in not making mistakes like it in the future
Something I know happens for me is the guilt and regret that comes back constantly to haunt me. I usually understand and learn how to fix it, but that regret stays with me and I feel
Like I need to learn how to fix that.
Every mistake reminds us that we are not perfect, that we are fallible, and that we don’t know everything. These are humbling but very important lessons. The trick is to accept and learn these lessons. Too many people act as if they’re a god—infallible and beyond reproach. The world would be a much better place if everyone took responsibility for their mistakes and took ethical steps to correct things.
It should be a teachable moment but sometimes we miss the opportunity by getting stuck in self blame .
I think every mistake can teach you a lesson and make you stronger if you take time to reflect.
Yes, but I would rephrase the answer a little bit. I think the lesson is always there, it’s only if you choose to act on that lesson that it is truly taught.
Great insight Ally!
Yes I do believe that mistakes always teach me lessons. Some are more blatant than others and those require more than 10 minutes to forgive or forget. Some require more personal introspection to figure why the mistake was made, and pushing past denial and then going about the task of doing my best to correct what is correctable
Yes I do. I believe you have to look for the lesson because it’s not always going to be obvious and it may take time and reflection.
When I make a mistake I do believe there is a lesson I can learn. The thing I find that I struggle to do is forgive myself and move on. I learn what I need to do better on but letting go and moving forward is challenging.
I always believe that when I make a mistake, there’s a lesson to be had. When you make a mistake it shows that you’re trying.
I believe that it does always teach a lesson because you can learn how to prevent a similar mistake in the future, and you can grow past making that mistake.