The faith to move mountains begins with the patience to sift sand.

Four Reasons to Cultivate Patience
- Patient people enjoy better mental health
- Patient people are better friends and neighbors
- Patience helps us achieve our goals
- Patience is linked to good health
SOURCE: Greater Good Magazine/ Berkley
Patience | Big Sean
- I did not complete my 25 sit ups yesterday so, if you also did not complete 25 sit ups, please do so today. If you did complete the 25 sit ups yesterday, Congratulations, Thank You and Hope you all had a Happy Easter!
- When thinking about the success in life that you want to achieve, do you see yourself becoming wealthy way beyond your needs? Is that excessive to you and you just see yourself modestly successful? Please share your insights in the comments.
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Though I do see myself becoming wealthy beyond my needs, I also see myself giving back to other people. Since I have never really experienced wealth first hand, I have no idea how I would react to it. But I believe that I would rather be extremely successful than modestly successful because I think extreme success is harder than modest success.
I want to be remembered and recalled by people all around the world because I believe that though that will be extremely hard and difficult, it will also lead me to being most impactful in others.
In the video he said “usually when you’re rushing you’re stressing”. That reminds me of when you talked about expectations and how you should set the expectation for something to get done longer then what it will take so it can help eliminate stress. That part of the video stood out to me…
I don’t think it’s necessary to become wealthy beyond my needs, but I think with the right knowledge and tools I could use excessive wealth for the good of my family and the world. I see myself somewhere in between.
While I do picture myself very successful I don’t picture myself having an obnoxious amount of wealth.
I don’t equate success with financial wealth. If there is any doubt that wealth doesn’t bring happiness and purpose look at the many millionaires depressed and committing suicide.
Success to me is having a positive impact on the lives of the people around me – family, friends, colleagues, etc.; certainly leaving a favorable financial legacy for my children but more importantly, passing down values centered in love, faith, respect, hard work and servant leadership. Most importantly when I am on my death bed reflecting on my life – if I can feel good that I learned from my mistakes and lived a life of purpose that God designed for me – this will be ultimate success.
My goal has never been to be excessively wealthy. But, I do feel like I an excessively successful. I have achieved most of my goals and continue to work towards new goals. Being able to care for my family , getting satisfaction from what I do—— how
I contribute to this world , and to be able to help / support other . Success
I see myself living modestly. I don’t want to be wealthy beyond my needs. I just want to have my beach house, make sure my daughter’s college is paid for, and live comfortably in retirement.
Success and wealth are subjective terms, but I’ll play along.
I see myself having a monetary income that exceeds my needs, which can be viewed as success. More than income, however, I value health, time, “close” family, true friendship, freedom and all the other priceless gifts GOD affords me that I mentioned when we were tasked with counting out blessings for a minute and listing them.
That’s a great point that success and wealth are subjective terms. What one person views as extremely successful and wealthy might not be at the same standards as someone else’s views.
Thanks for the question. I have not given sufficient thought to what success looks like for me. I imagine being clear on that would clear barriers and move me forward at a different pace. As I think about the success I want to achieve I see myself wealthy way beyond my needs. Success for me involves more than just me, much more than just me. It is easier to focus on moving forward when my needs are met. Part of being successful for me is helping others achieve success. It’s time for me to get moving.
I love the quote today about patience. It is so important and the older I get the more patient I become.
I am truly thankful for the ability to care for my family and live comfortably. I really have seen so many struggle, especially this year. There has been some very challenging times raising children as a single mom, but my kids always say, ” We had the best childhood “.
Wealth comes in many definitions and forms. I am going to think a bit more about you question.
I think that I do see myself being too wealthy in the future because of the situation i am in with school and the opportunities i have, and now that i think about it it may be excessive because i may have too much that others may need.
If not the wealthiest, I’m one of the wealthiest people alive when I envision my future. All I’ve known is struggle because of the lack of money, so why not strive to possess a lot of it?
I just want to be comfortable enough to go on a vacation for a week or two to enjoy and relax not worrying bout how much money I spent not stressing about when I get back I have to work some overtime to make it up. To be able to live and not worry about bills to know they are paid not just for the month but for the next 10 years or so.