
It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. ~Winston S. Churchill


What’s Your Why?

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  1. Walk at least 1 mile today
  2. Are there any topics you would like to cover? Is there a main topic we should cover more frequently? Please share in the comments.

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Walt Marcial
3 years ago

And hopefully the “something” you live for will benefit you as well as your COMMUNITY.πŸ‘πŸΎ

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
3 years ago

Procrastination gets me all the time. This would be a great topic to discuss to help me.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Chevon Thomas

I agree! I think this would be a helpful topic to cover.

3 years ago

I think it is important to remember that there will never be a perfect time to start things. You have to take it into your own hands and just get to it.

April James
April James
3 years ago

I really like the idea of worrying less about failing. The belief that each time you fail you are getting closer to success. If the focus is on the effort we are bound to strive toward our goals. Personally I’ve failed plenty but more importantly I’ve always learned so I’ve decided to start using the word growing instead of failing.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago
Reply to  April James

So true. Comfort zones are the enemy of achievements

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

I love the choices you have been making!
They are always tight on point!
Keep it coming

3 years ago

I would invite discussion on how folks are coping with pandemic fatigue. πŸ™„…tips for keeping up your spirits. ill get that mile in tomorrow Coach when it warms up a bit!πŸ˜‰

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago
Reply to  ame

That’s a great idea! Pandemic fatigue is real.

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
3 years ago

How to break down my projects into manageable portions to schedule and/or delegate.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

I agree! Great idea!

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
3 years ago

I just love today’s quote. To live for something. I always believed that. Very powerful.
You hit many topics that help maintain positivity and growth. I have found it very difficult as others during these times to maintain my positive outlook. It is a daily challenge.
Bringing in humanity and inclusive positive behaviors are so very helpful to me.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

I like the topic of how to ignore and move past negative people around you.

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
3 years ago

I believe something that has really been affecting my life, was just confidence in myself, and just being mentally prepared for situations.

Quinten Sutton
Quinten Sutton
3 years ago

I agree with others that a topic I would like to discuss more is procrastination. I deal with fear keeping me from moving to the next step faster. Overcoming this would improve a lot of areas in my life.

Toriano Duncan
Toriano Duncan
3 years ago

The topic that I would like to discuss is fear how to deal with it and how can you pinpoint it.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
3 years ago

I would like to discuss how to build an optimistic mindset

Claryce Cook
Claryce Cook
3 years ago

I would love to discuss how to discover what you enjoy doing as you go through different seasons.

Sirisha Ghatty
Sirisha Ghatty
3 years ago

I got my 2miles Walk today Coach.
I love the mix of all topics. I like the topic of setting goals and working towards them. It helps me to get to do things that I struggle to do otherwise. Thank you