“Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” ~William Arthur Ward
Why Adversity is a Gift | Tom Brady
- What advice do you have for someone about dealing with adversity? Please share in the comments.
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I thought the vid was awesome! I saw the full documentary and was increased impressed how Tom Brady went from your average joe to the GOAT. It is super amazing how adversity can change you as a person, depending on how you react to it. Adversity can be a gift or a curse depending on how you look at it. On one side, we need adversity for experience and it helps you grow as people. On the other side it often makes people feel uncomfortable in the situation or circumstance they are in. Do you agree or disagree?
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Adversity is the Mother of invention. Introspection, change, progress and wisdom are all possible Only in adversity. Adversity makes us uncomfortable and pushes us towards changing for better. And at the end if we look back we see how wise we have become in the process.
Hi Sirisha! I really like your insights! Thanks for sharing.
My advice for someone dealing with adversity is to stay strong and always have what you are working towards in you mind. And be open to excepting help when you need it!
The first thought that comes to mind is the quote, “if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”.
I would tell that person that you can only grow through dealing with and overcoming adversity. And while it may be difficult, it will be worth it and you will be better because of it.
Nice quote! I totally agree!
Advice I have for people dealing with adversity is that the only real failure is giving up. You will get through this adversity. Not just that, but you will grow from it. Keep going and adapt according to your situation. You got this!!
The advice I would give, would be, embrace it. Inevitably, everyone deals with adversity . So embrace it, learn from it, because it can make you a stronger person.
yes, Adversity is everything discussed here. great points. The one thing I see over and over again related to adversity is that no one can determine your destiny but you! so many Clowns in charge of making decisions.. then when you see videos like this you see how some of the greatest achievers in the world were doubted in the beginning. 🤨…Rule your Destiny!
Love the quote today! Exactly, coming throufh the other end builds character and strength.
Adversity is where you put the consistency that we talk about being important into action. At times when you are facing little adversity, it is easier to make consistently good decisions. Once you reach a more difficult situation, those with consistent good decisions put into action will overcome those challenges than those who cannot adapt.
I couldn’t play video but I watched on you tube!
Never give up. Go out there every time do your best, and outwork everybody.
Adversity is a teacher. In this time of adversity, there is a lesson to be learned. Not to be cliche but a setback makes way for a step up!
Adversity is what created change, without adversity we would never have anything to fix or solve. Adversity is just apart of life, however how we approach adversity is the deal breaker, we must look at as a learning experience and try to become better through this obstacle. Getting through this will only benefit you.