“When the ego dies, the soul awakes.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Don’t Let Your Ego Take Control Of Your Life
- Take THREE minutes and be still. Listen to your breath and if you get distracted, list the things you are grateful for in your life. THREE minutes.
- We are usually looking for the warning and the troublesome parts of the ego. Are there any good parts of the ego? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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I would say a good part of the ego would have to be it’s confidence. Having confidence is beneficial in almost every situation. However, it’s how you present that confidence as well. There’s a difference between arrogance and confidence and based on ego, we definitely want the latter.
There are some great parts of an ego. You will always have the courage to do something, even if it’s only for your own good. Hubris may make you think you can do anything, and that means you will try. If you want to learn to swim, you won’t get afraid of drowning. You will be courageous enough to try. However, a major draw-back is that it can lead to OVER confidence.
I think that there are good parts of the ego, like sureness of self. I think that self doubt can be plaguing, and having some self assuredness is necessary for success, but this line between confidence and overconfidence leading to boastfulness is one that is difficult to stay on the right side of.
Thought ego has many bad aspects that come with it some good parts. Here are some good aspects of having an ego (most of the time):
First off, I loved today’s message and presentation. A good part about ego is self assurance and confidence. A lot of people are paralyzed from action because of lack of self confidence. At least if you have an ego you believe in yourself whether it be earned or not. This ego can be beneficial in games too. The unhindered self confidence to keep shooting even if you are missing.
Self love – if you don’t love, honor and respect yourself, hard to do it for others.
Ego can help safeguard you from being taken advantage of by others.
Ego can motivate you to attempt and accomplish things that you wouldn’t dare to try if you weren’t so, umm, egotistical.
Ego can help you draw a crowd—even if the crowd is inwardly laughing at or deriding you.
Of course there’s a good side. Having a ego will allow you to go after what you truly want. “Just enough will solve your problems, too much will kill you”- drake…
Loved the video and the thought shared. This video helped me in the current situation to become aware of my ego and remind me that I am Love. Thank you 👌