
“Quantity and persistence will get you the outcomes you need.” ~James Altucher

  1. Can you bring high-level enthusiasm for 15 minutes? Even when you’re bored? Would you feel authentic or fake? Please tell me about it in the comments.

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Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
3 years ago

15 mins is not a long time for high level enthusiasm. I can manage that or I can fake it till I make it. If you believe anything you can achieve it. Sometime a little faking is all you beee to get you through a tough situation.

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

Great quote!!!!
I have can absolutely bring unbridled authentic enthusiasm and joy for 15 minutes! Enthusiasm and joy fuel me and I have to do it sometimes because joy and sadness cannot exist in the same moment

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

I can for sure bring a high level of enthusiasm for 15 mins. It would be authentic because to get a high level of enthusiasm, I would probably use positive self talk and only say things that I would actually mean.

Loris Murdock-Johnson
Loris Murdock-Johnson
3 years ago

I bring High level enthusiasm for 15 minutes or more almost daily. This is needed to achieve any long term or even short term goals because, it is easy to become drained, distracted and discouraged. Renewing commitment takes high levels of energy and enthusiasm to continue. I have never felt fake using it because it works.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

Hi Loris! I really like your insights, thanks for sharing!

Kay Donahue
Kay Donahue
3 years ago

15 min is along time I think that I could do it but about certain things. Like I have to be really into what I’m doing in order to be able to do that. I also think that I would be able to fake it. I read one of the other comments and they said fake it till you make it. I completely agree with that

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
3 years ago

My job makes me bring a higher level of enthusiasm daily. Even when I am tired, bored, or sick. So the answer is yes! It actually can shift my mood when I do. Never thought about it. Wow

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago
Reply to  Janel Powell

Hi Janel! I agree that bringing a high level of authentic enthusiasm shifts my mood too!

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
3 years ago

when i’m not bored of course i’ll have so much energy and enthusiasm. when i’m bored it will start out fake and then it will turn real. also good morning everyone. i hope everyone has a good day.

3 years ago

gm, Interesting responses. I CAN NOT bring high level enthusiasm when I’m bored. sometimes at work (on Teams calls) when we have ineffective presenters I tune out. I can’t help it. I start doing other things while they’re talking. I guess for me energy and enthusiasm are contagious so if its high I’m high ☝️ and if it’s low, my enthusiasm goes South 👇

Tracie Stewart
Tracie Stewart
3 years ago

I can and I MUST! I found this to be true in my career. When/if advancement doesn’t go as planned, the first reaction is disappointment / low energy. But the key to persistence and success is to find the energy and enthusiasm needed to reinvent yourself. This could be 15min or 15 years… at the end of the day, you gotta keep going in a positive trajectory.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

I can definitely bring a high level of enthusiasm for 15 minutes. When I am bored it might be more difficult and I would need to pick up my energy too. If I am extremely bored, for example in class, it might start off as fake but turn into authentic the more I continue it.

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago

I agree with most responses! I think I can definitely bring a high level of enthusiasm. It would be more difficult when I’m bored, but if I remind myself to be enthusiastic and focus on it, I think I could, as others have said, fake it til you make it.

Adriane Domareckyj
Adriane Domareckyj
3 years ago

I agree with most comments. There are times when you have to fake it, and sometimes the faking becomes authentic or changes your attitude so you are no longer bored.

Vibhuv Sharma
Vibhuv Sharma
3 years ago

I can definitely bring high level enthusiasm for 15 minutes, even when I am bored. However, when I am bored but still bringing a high level of enthusiasm it usually feels fake.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vibhuv Sharma
Toriano Duncan
Toriano Duncan
3 years ago

I bring a high level of enthusiasm every day 15 mins is about right for me maybe 20

3 years ago

Today’s question got me musing about what brings on enthusiasm for 15 minutes or more. Worship, lovemaking, catching up with a dear friend, enjoying a great book, film, or song, family bible study, family game night, exercising, and being creative are some things that came to mind.
I’d like to be more enthusiastic about professional work and getting started on long overdue personal projects, though.
Any thoughts as to how to become authentically enthusiastic about a career that has become quite chaotic, challenging, and combative due to how policymakers have responded to COVID?
Any advice regarding how to get motivated about and starting a long-procrastinated project?