“The life in front of you is far more important than the life behind you.” ~Joel Olsteen

Buddhist Story on Letting Go
- Do you have control over worrying? Are you held hostage by uncontrollable things? Please share in the comments.
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I do my best to not let things I do not have control over hijack my joy with worry.
I’ve learned through faith, meditating and applying The Four C’s ( Did I cause the issue, can I control the issue, can I cure the issue, if not then I do not get caught up in the issue.
I like the concept of the 4 C’s. Thanks for sharing Eileen!
I think that you do have control of your worries. I think that it depends on perspective and what you focus on. When you focus on the past burdens, then that is what you will think about, but when you think to the future, you think about how you can make things better and your life may improve. It all comes down to your perspective.
thank God I am able to have a handle on worrying I would be miserable if I let myself be held hostage to it. but fortunately I am able to compartmentalize my problems. This is a trait that keeps me strong.
Yes I agree compartmentalize is key or I be bonkers Lol. Dealing with one thing at a time makes things much easier.
I am a worried wad. I play out all kinds of scenarios I’m a situation of what could possibly go wrong. I think, over think, and over analyze everything. I do this to try and prepare myself for the worst possible situation but it is actually driving me crazy. I am trying to let things go and deal as stuff arises but it’s hard. I’m a Control͏ freak.
I used to not have much control over my worrying. But as I’ve gotten older and started meditating, worry doesn’t get to me AS much. I’ve also realized that thoughts are just thoughts and to not allow certain thoughts to become a reality. Once I overthink, that’s when the worry comes in. If I just sit and take a deep breath, I know that everything will be ok and I’m able to handle whatever is thrown my way.
I’m working on getting control of my worrying. I actually have used that compartmentalize trick to help! But it’s a process, and I still find myself falling down a rabbit hole of worry at times.
I’m terrible at this. I tend to worry about something and then go down the rabbit hole of Google and Reddit (which is where worst case scenarios are concentrated). Then once that situation passes, I move onto the next thing to worry about.
I have this need to know the possible outcomes and any information on what I can do to sway it or prepare for the worst… but it tends to backfire if I spend hours on it. I always have to catch myself, separate what I can control from what I can’t on a piece of paper, and go for a walk which makes me calm down 99% of the time :-). But it’s all easier said than done
I don’t have control on so many things which bothers me but I still get worried! I guess that’s how I am!
It’s very easy to say than done! I always tell others not to worry about things which are not in your control (specially my kids)
I do have control over it but I need to spend more time visualizing success. And I always try to remember to control the controllables.
I agree with Scarlett, I need to spend more time visualizing success as well. I spend most of my days worrying about the what if’s and I just need to realize that all that I can only control what I do.
oh i worry, i worry a lot. i tend to worry about things that i have absolutely no control over, i worry when my friends get hurt even though i have no part in it. i’m getting better at not worrying over the little things but i still do it a ton. i don’t get held hostage i just feel bad and try to fix it.
Yes we fo hav
Yes we do have power / control over worrying.
I use prayers and several biblical verses that reference fear and worrying. It helps me to let go of things not in my control.
I tend to worry about and have anxiety about too many things that I can’t control. I’m not sure why, but I can’t really stop thinking about those things, even though i know there’s now nothing I can do about it. I have been working on this, however, and I will continue to do so.