“The greatest gift you can give to those you love is to live your life to your full potential thereby showing them how to do the same.” ~Hal Elrod

I think this is a great quote! My interpretation of it is in three parts.
First, the gratitude for life and your loved ones is reciprocated through living and how you decide to live. You never know if the opportunities you have will always be there or how long your life will be so you should take advantage by doing your best and making the most out of living.
Secondly, we can get a lot of results but the journey can also be very fulfilling. What I mean is, living your life in a way that you can create special experiences moment-to-moment can really make living at your best worth it, regardless of the final outcomes, but based on your steady inputs. With that said, you’ll probably produce great results anyhow.
Lastly, wouldn’t it be great to know that you set an example for others and they made amazing experiences out of their lives based on how they saw you do it first? The ripple effect could be tremendous if they continue to be the example for others to follow. And it all starts with you and the choices you make to live at your best. Think about it for a second, it’s a complete win-win and all it costs is for you to do your best with what you have. I’m not saying that you’re not already trying to live at your best but just to be more intentional about it. Totally worth it!
- Today at 3 p.m. will be our first meet-up. I’m looking forward to you guys meeting and for us to share some ideas and see what we come up with. I know some of you aren’t available for this one but there will be more so don’t sweat it. If you are planning to join us, send me a text message and I’ll reply with the zoom link. This will be fun!
- I’ve been sharing these messages daily since December 12th of last year – almost four months now. I’m not sure when you joined the tribe but I hope you’ve taken a look at some messages from the past. I’m curious to know, which message, in the recent past, has been most meaningful to you? Please share in the comments.
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