“You have to have humility. You have to be able to humble yourself and know what you got, know where it came from.” ~DMX

Humility | Nelson Mandela
- How do you relate to truth and honesty? Also, does humility affect your confidence? Please share your insights in the comments.
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For me, I have learned how to accept truth and honesty. Learning to accept it is hard and sometimes can hurt but benefits you in the long run. Also, humility doesn’t hurt my confidence because I think acknowledging your past and owning up to mistakes shows a lot about a person’s character.
Truth and honesty. I live by that. I can say I have a very difficult time with dishonest people. I do not believe you can have truth without honesty or vice-versa. They go hand in hand.
Honorable Mandela, he was a wonderful example to live by, great video. Humble, kind, and believed in service.
Humble yourself, to know what you got!
Absolutely, 🎤 cannot confuse or mix up arrogance with confidence. Arrogance is very ugly to me. Confidence is strength with compassion,
I relate truth to honesty because honesty is your truth. When you are being honest, you are understanding and accepting your perception of the truth.
There is a saying that goes something like this; there are three truths in an argument . Your truth, your opponents truth, and the absolute truth. I believe you can be honest by understanding your opponents truth as well and taking that in to better understand your truth.
You must understand that even though someone may not be telling the absolute truth or what you think the truth is, but they still may be being honest.
I like your insights Sidd!
Truth is the reality of your own beliefs. People may have different truths depending on personal values and how they perceive the world, but a person’s truth is their reality. Honesty is how that person translates that truth in the world, factoring in empathy and humility. Living your life with true humility is the definition of total confidence.. you stop acting based on how you want the world to perceive you (ego) but rather how you can have the greatest impact on the world. Your confidence comes from within when you have mastered humility.
Truth is a noun that stands o. It’s own and honesty to me is a hybrid noun and an adjective because it describes a quality of something that also stands on its own. Both are extremely important to me especially after this past 4 years and the pandemic.
Regarding humility. I do not feel that it adversely affects confidence. When I know where my gift comes from (NBGG) Nothing But God’s Grace. I am humble and thankful to be entrusted with that gift to share and use it.
However, I do not believe that it is boasting when I share what I have been able to do
Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader so people know how you can help them .
I think that honesty is very important between people. But I think it’s interesting how the image defines honesty partly as “convincing” others, because isn’t honesty about sharing your truth, whether or not the other person believes you? Even if they don’t, you are still being honest. And I think that humility is a result of confidence. If you lose the need to prove yourself and allow yourself to “lead from the back”, I think your confidence will skyrocket.
I like your insights Ally!
Great insight Ally!
I think truth & honesty bring your confidence up. Also bring peace of mind.
For me showing humanity is duty of each & every individual. I believe humanity boost your confidence.
Then world definitely would be a better place if people were more humble!
i think humility is part of confidence, you have to know that you might mess up or it might not go as you wanted but that is ok, you have to get back up and try again.
I think that we have to always remember the true even if sometimes it is hard to and we don’t want to. I feel the humility does not have much affect on my confidence. I have to remember that I can’t change what was in the past and instead I should try and learn from it.
I believe that truth and honesty should be a habit and something you do unconditionally. I believe it is easier to tell the truth and to cover up a lie. Through life I have experienced both and I would choose to tell the truth because of the weight that a lie has on you creates stress and nervousness. I don’t believe humility hurts my confidence, I believe humility actually allows me to approach people more often than not and when coming as a person not above them but a person of equal you are able to create better connections.
I agree with others that honesty is about sharing and living my truth.
Humility can have a positive impact on your confidence because it shifts your focus. When you are humble your focus is on serving others which can take the focus off of yourself and needing to accomplish something. When you have an authentic sense of humility you don’t need to prove yourself or focus on your insecurities because you are self assured.
I didn’t think about humility that way, but I totally agree! Thanks for sharing!
I relate to truth and honesty in the sense that i think there isn’t really a reason not to be truthful or to be honest, i think that humility affects my confidence because i want to stay humble so i try not to show off, but when others do it it makes me feel like they’re better than me at that task even though they may not be.
Being true & honest will get you a lot further than denial and lying. For example, in order to progress internally, you have to acknowledge you have a problem. You won’t be able to acknowledge that problem until you’re able to be true and honest with yourself.
In reference to humility affecting confidence, I don’t necessarily think the two correlate for everyone. I believe most well loved successful people can separate the two which allows them to keep that “I’m the best” mentality while knowing they weren’t always the best.
Good insight! Thanks for sharing Gralen!