“It is only our dedication towards our passion that distinguishes a champion from the crowd.” ~Abhijit Naskar

Cristiano Ronaldo Success Rules
- Are you dedicated to work hard enough to stand out? And, what role does pride play for you? Please share in the comments.
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Yes! good message. I do feel that I work hard enough to stand out. I recently was chosen at work for a new assignment, and I feel that was in large part due to my HARD WORK!✍ and pride plays a huge role because, my pride won’t let me put out a poor work product, bc thats a direct reflection of me. its all related
Congratulations Ame! And I completely agree about the pride part!! 😀
My answer to this question would have been very different at an earlier stage in my life. I focus and work hard on things that I believe will get me closer to my purpose. Whether or not I stand out or push past someone else really doesn’t factor into the equation. I’m not completely evolved so ego/pride does drive some decisions – but that is not where I want to be. That is not the game I’m playing at this stage in my life.
I am a hard worker. I try, however, not to be purely motivated by the approval of others, but I for the fulfillment of the job done.
I agree Ally. My motivation isn’t on the drive for the thoughts of others, but more so myself.
Thanks for another thought-provoking query, Cousin Q. I think that when people stand out for doing something extremely well, it’s a byproduct of their passion, motivation, and/or enjoyment of the endeavor. So, I wouldn’t say that I am (or most others are) dedicated to work hard to stand out, but we’re invested, driven, and/or blessed enough by an endeavor that we stand out because we put our all into it.
What say you?
I am challenging myself to get in at least 5 hours a day towards my projects. Hopefully I can increase that by an hour this summer.
I am dedicated to work hard to stand out. And similar to Ame’s response, my pride won’t allow me to produce low quality work even when it means putting in extra time.
I take pride in the quality of what I do but, don’t let my pride get in the way of achieving my goals.