
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ~Abraham Lincoln


Father trains twin sons in the sport of boxing

  1. Find someone you haven’t shown gratitude to in a while. Contact them and genuinely thank them for what you appreciate from them.
  2. Journal: List TWO things to do less, write how you would benefit and when you will start doing it less.
  3. What have you learned about yourself lately? Has there been anything eye opening that you have just discovered? Please share in the comments.

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Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
3 years ago

One thing I learned about myself is that if I don’t over complicate something it goes much easier. For example with my shot I was making it into something it shouldn’t have been instead of just shooting.

Tracie Stewart
Tracie Stewart
3 years ago

I’m learning to take every situation one day at a time and to not stress over it. Stress, anxiety and over preparation actually makes the outcome worst for me (ie, big presentations at work, etc…). Prepare then let it go and do so something different – I’m more confident and productive when I let it go and have faith that everything will turn out as it should.

3 years ago

gm, I don’t know if I’ve discovered anything eye opening about myself, but I have discovered how much I value life and relationships. Particularly those people who are dear to me We cannot wait til people die to realize how much we love and appreciate them 🙏

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago

I learned that I do better taking active recovery breaks rather than slow ones. For example, I was so tired after practice yesterday that I took a nap. But then, even though I was able to get work done, I was tired the entire time. I think by getting up and active would have put me in a more productive headspace for my work.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Noble Member
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls(@scarlett-glasser-nehls)
3 years ago

I learned that I need to have better priority management.

Jose Ebanks
Jose Ebanks
3 years ago

As an artist. I learned that used tools buys new tools and a lot more. Time spent on work gives you more time to spend.

Janel Powell
Janel Powell
3 years ago

I have learned I need yo work harder on forgiveness. Moving past the pain someone may have caused you and finding forgiveness is important to me.

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
3 years ago

I have learned that I am to quick to respond in conversations. I need to take time to consider what is being said, ask clarifying questions 🤔 think through my response, if this is the time to respond, and season my respond with ❤ care.

Gralen Vereen
Gralen Vereen
3 years ago

I wouldn’t define it as eye opening but I have began to learn more about my astrology and horoscopes