Category Archives: mindset

12/23/20 Forgiven not Forgotten


“Be careful with your words, once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. ” ~Carl Sandburg

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The art of communication is not mastered by just knowing what to say and how to say it. 

A big factor is knowing when to say it.  So often people sit back and say nothing when something really needs to be said. It could be an idea, a suggestion, an observation, a criticism…but for some reason they don’t want to speak up.

They may be afraid of hurting another person, looking mean or foolish, or opening a can of worms that will make a mess in everyone’s lives.  Sometimes it seems like staying silent is the wiser choice. But here are five reasons why despite the risk, standing up and saying your peace is best…

source: 5 Reasons You Should Speak Up [Inc. Magazine]

  1. Review your THREE goals for this week. {If you haven’t set any goals yet, set ONE Goal right now to accomplish by Sunday afternoon.}
  2. Take action to move a goal to at least 50 percent complete. You can earn pride and satisfaction of achievement.
  3. In the comments below, write an encouraging letter to yourself starting with, “Dear Me,”