
“Move at your own pace, don’t be afraid, and know that it’s going to be okay.” ~Connor Franta


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Managing Time – 1 of 2 Pace | Ed Mylett

[Please focus on the first 5:55 of this video today.]

  1. PUSH YOURSELF to do 25 Push-Ups today. It doesn’t matter if you break it up, 5 at a time or 3 each hour until you’re done & it takes all day. If you already do push-ups, ADD 25 push-ups to your total.
  2. Please share your insights on Ed Mylett’s concept of pace [the first 5:55 in the video above] in the comments.

Thank you!

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3 years ago

“Either you control your time, or the times going to control you.” Just hearing this right off the bat it is very important and has a very important meaning. It reminds me to make sure that I am not going through the motions of life, it using my time effectively. That has been my goal for about a month now and I have already seen it’s benefits .

Quinn Carran
Quinn Carran
3 years ago

It is important to remember that everyone goes at their own pace. This means that you should not get frustrated if people seem to be moving faster along than you. It also means that you should not get frustrated if people do not catch on as quick as you.

Sean Givens
Sean Givens
3 years ago

The goals that are closer I should be trying to get them done as fast as possible. But the overall goal I should pace myself. All the little goals are setting up the bigger one.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
3 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I’m glad that you didn’t succumb to your impulses and emotions and you were able to work through your problem!

Anisha Tahbildar
Anisha Tahbildar
3 years ago
Reply to  Q James

I agree with you when you said it is best to be urgent then to hurry. Hurrying is good but you might miss some things and being urgent and focused is a better way to word it.

Justin Yang
Justin Yang
3 years ago

I also agree with the point Anisha brought up about how you shouldn’t hurry but urgent. This is because hurrying may compromise things like quality which are also very vital.

Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
Scarlett Glasser-Nehls
3 years ago

I loved today’s video. I believe it is so important to be the dictator of your own life and set your priorities. I used to binge watch shows and waste hours of my time. But waking up earlier and staying off my phone will help me control my life. And it’s also important to note that people who follow these practices live purpose driven lives. Their lives are meaningful and significant, which is what I want my life to be too.

Sidd Narayanabhatla
Sidd Narayanabhatla
3 years ago

Yes, I agree! Today was my first day of my new schedule and I got done so much more already than in a normal day!

Claryce Cook
Claryce Cook
3 years ago

The concept of going at my own pace and yet staying focused on my goals is one I am grateful to hear. Being a young adult with a husband and kids, there are times I succumb to comparison of what I think my life should look like, instead of setting vision for what I want my life to look like.

The reminder that setting my goals, both long term and short term, staying focused and constantly working to achieve them, helps me feel encouraged and reminded to focus on the goal and not get distracted.

Bryan Pope
Bryan Pope
3 years ago

Break your long term goals down to smaller right now goals Setting right now goals that you put a priority on completing you’ll hustle to get it done. Seeing the instant progress is motivating. Before you know it the the long term is complete.

Hayden Carran
Hayden Carran
3 years ago

People who have a place to go try to get there faster. People who have a goal to reach try do reach as fast as then can, that way they can create a large or more difficult goal. If you don’t have a goal, you will take everything slow and easy. People who do have a goal try to get things done, and work as hard as they can to get it done. To conclude what I’m trying to say is, people who have a place to go or something to beat are going to do things faster to try and beat it faster. People who don’t have something to beat are going to take it easy and not do things fast.

Spencer Carran
Spencer Carran
3 years ago

I think that this truly shows that it’s more important to pace yourself instead of going really fast for a little bit which tires yourself out and then you don’t accomplish as much as you would have if you kept a steady pace.

3 years ago

To me this ties into the importance of patience.

Danielle Wilfong
Danielle Wilfong
3 years ago

I think not get on my phone first thing in the morning and just stretch and just read a book I think my day with be more productive

Chevon Thomas
Chevon Thomas
3 years ago

I felt like this video was talking to me. People are always telling me to slow down and to relax but I can’t. I can’t sit still but that’s because I feel time is money. I like to maximize my time. I get so much more accomplished that way. As far as the cell phone controlling my life I believe. I grab my cell phone first thing every morning and that’s because the alarm on it is ringing, telling me to wake up. I wish I could just get up on my own, undisturbed. As soon as I turn it off though and pull myself together my day starts functioning as usual.

Anish Kothapalli
Anish Kothapalli
3 years ago

I felt that the message shared in this video was extremely powerful as well. It is up to us to decide what we do in a day, and if we waste our time, that responsibility falls solely on us. We cannot let time control us and must take charge instead. I felt that the video had a unique take on pace in that we cannot fall behind and slow down but we must rather sprint to mini goals and live life pushing ourselves. This mindset is one that I want to adapt going forward, and that starts with waking up early and staying away from electronics.

3 years ago

Wwhen u go at ur own pace u can get things done. It is efficient and the quality is goof

Ally Williams
Ally Williams
3 years ago

The most impactful lesson to me in this video is to wake up and not look at your phone. It’s proven time and time again to make my days more efficient and happier, but it’s so easy to fall into a slump of looking at your phone. It’s a distraction throughout the day, especially when tiredness threatens to override productivity. I find by putting it in a different room when this happens makes it easier to rejuvenate. From there I can start back up again and work without wasting hours mindlessly being on my phone.

3 years ago

I’ve found a new goal for my week which is to not touch my phone 30 minutes after waking up. I’m going to start my day in control!

Eileen Marcial
Eileen Marcial
3 years ago

We cannot compare our journeys or successes to someone else’s. Our journey and our pace us exactly as worded- it is ours and no one else’s

Denise McConnell
Denise McConnell
3 years ago

Controlling my time is an area of great struggle for me. I have trained myself and the people around me that my time is up for grabs. I have more to get done than I am completing. I’m going to speed up my pace and be the one who controls my time. If I control half of my time each day I will move farther ahead and have higher quality time to enjoy the pleasure of fulfilling relationships with my love ones. This is a game changer.

April James
April James
3 years ago

This was very good video. So my starts and my pace is good but I allowed others to control my time, especially on Monday and Tuesday. I run a business and received a massive amount of calls, which is a blessing but I allowed customers to shape my day. Usually I’m better at structuring time slots meant for certain activities. But glad I’m mindful and will move forward instead of focusing on what’s behind me. As the saying goes I will focus on one day at a time, then a day will become a week and a week will become a month etc etc.